

Priscilla Poon
2015 SHTMAA的週年晚會於3月7日在中環的隆堡蘭桂坊酒店舉行,一眾師長和校友共百多人濟濟一堂,好不熱鬧。

隆堡蘭桂坊酒店鄰近以夜生活而聞名的蘭桂坊,是城中盛會的據點, 出席的型男美女,往往成為社交圈的話題焦點。當我走進酒店大堂時,酒店的服務人員恭敬迎接,並引領我沿着聚光燈走到設計時尚的背景板前,請專業攝影師替我拍照留念,此時此景,我彷彿置身在華麗盛宴和時尚大典之中, 一股神氣不禁油然而生。






每年周年晚會的抽獎環節總是令人振奮, 今年卻令人喜出望外。出席者人人有獎, 絕不落空, 這可沒有誇張! 分量大小有別的獎品,在此起彼落的歡呼聲和掌聲中一一送出。晚會接進尾聲的時候, 差不多人人都有一份獎品,唯獨有五個人還沒有抽到任何獎品;原來他們五位是[終極大抽獎] 的幸運兒。終極大獎包括雙人來回日本的機票,國內和香港的五星級酒店住宿和香港主題公園酒店住宿。五位幸運兒當中,其中一位竟然是向來沒有抽獎命的我!

香港人常說“好事打孖上”。當晚特備的The Most Supportive Alumni 2015獎項竟然落到我的手中。此獎項是頒發給在同一年裡參加了四個或以上的舊生會活動的舊生。當晚,我出乎意料地領了這獎項回家,但如今回想,倒也不失情理呢!

2015 SHTMAA 的周年晚會已經圆满落幕, 當晚的意外驚喜,我至今未忘,師生同聚一堂的歡樂時光,我還回味無窮。


Cici Tam
It was my greatest pleasure and honour to be the MC of the SHTMAA Annual Dinner 2015. I was so excited to have the opportunity to join this glamorous party! Enjoying the unique design of AZURE and all the great foods and drinks, I was overwhelmed with joy, just like all of our guests! As a student of SHTM, I also felt very happy to have met many alumni coming from the same big family. Special thanks must be given to all executive committees of SHTMAA for their excellent preparation and commitment. Not going to lie but I am already looking forward to the Annual Dinner next year!


Crishner Lam
What a superb evening of SHTMAA reunion!  I feel like the entire LKF Hotel is welcoming us. As right at the hotel lobby there's already a snapshot spot (and I confess I'm a truly snapshot-holic of memorable moments and occasions)...myself and my SHTM buddies took snapshots both at entering and leaving the hotel..can't help it!  How surprising and fabulous is the ice balloon presenting our appetizer (of course I saw everyone couldn't stop taking snapshots again)!  I feel like a president getting served a top-notch cliché dish...it's simply beautiful to look at and icy-fresh to enjoy!  It was truly a big fun gathering - people dancing (including our honourable Dean Chon), drinking really pleasant wines bubbling up our all-time-high spirit, chatting here and there!  Amazing how numerous lucky-draw gifts there were for perhaps almost everyone (hehe...for me a lucky free-night stay at one of CHI Residences...time to enjoy a little skippy break in town)!  We carried on the fun and have a beer at LKF after the dinner!  My salutes to Maurice and our wonderful folks working magic out for SHTMAA!  Merci beaucoup à tous!

Million heartful thanks for the occasion and all the fun!!!


Grace Mak
It was the first time I joined the SHTMAA annual dinner. The night was just incredible! Great foods, great music and great people, all came together to hit your five senses, and there was no way you would be bored. It was absolutely a fun night to remember.


Sherman Leung
The annual dinner was really good which I have got great opportunities to meet many people from the industry and learnt a lot from the conversations. Together with the wonderful atmosphere, amazing music and foods, I have had a fantastic, relaxing and unforgettable night. I would definitely join again! See you all next year!


Olive Chen
Ever since graduated, attending the SHTMMA Annual Dinner and gathering with old friends have been the most precious and joyful moments. It reminded me of the cherishing studying time during MSc programme, and made me reminiscing the moments spend with lovely schoolmates. I wrote this on my Facebook after the gathering: "To retrieve memories in Hong Kong, I opened everyone's pages and photos, very deeply." Youth is meant to be remembered, yet what each one of SHTM has brought me is more memorable than youth itself. Finally, I would like to quote Samuel Ullman's "Youth" to respect this gathering, "Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It is not a matter of rosy, red lips and supple knees, but a matter of the will, marvelous imagination, the hot feeling; Youth is the freshness of the deep springs of life.”






