Master of Science in Medical Laboratory Science

Entrance Year Sept 2025
Programme Code 55005
Stream Code
FMM (Full-time)
PMM (Part-time)
Mode of Study Mixed Mode
Normal Duration
1.5 years (Full-time)
3 years (Part-time)
Fund Type Self-Financed
Credits Required for Graduation
Initial Registration Credits
For local students
6 (Full-time)
3 (Part-time)
For non-local students
6 (Full-time)/ (Part-time)
Local Application Deadline 30 Apr 2025
Non-Local Application Deadline 30 Apr 2025
Tuition Fees
HK$6,300 per credit for local and non-local students
Programme Leader(s)
Programme Leader
Dr Chien-Ling Huang
PhD, MSc (Research), BSc (MLS)
Deputy Programme Leader
Mr WONG Wui Wing, Harry
MSc, MRes, BSc
This programme is offered within the Postgraduate Scheme in Health Technology.
We have a limited quota for admissions. Early applications are strongly encouraged.
Aims and Characteristics
Programme Aims
This award is offered within the Postgraduate Scheme in Health Technology, which aims to provide professionals in Medical Imaging, Radiotherapy, Medical Laboratory Science, Health Technology, as well as others interested in health technology, with an opportunity to develop advanced levels of knowledge and skills.
A. Advancement in Knowledge and Skill
To develop specialists in their respective professional disciplines to enhance their career paths;
To broaden students' exposure to health science and technology to enable them to cope with the ever-changing demands of work; and
To provide a laboratory environment for testing problems encountered at work.
Students develop intellectually, professionally and personally while advancing their knowledge and skills in Medical Laboratory Science. The specific aims of this award are:
To broaden and deepen students' knowledge and expertise in Medical Laboratory Science;
To introduce students to advances in selected areas of diagnostic laboratory techniques;
To develop in students an integrative and collaborative team approach to the investigation of common diseases;
To foster an understanding of the management concepts that are relevant to clinical laboratories; and
To develop students' skills in communication, critical analysis and problem solving.
B. Professional Development
To develop students' ability in critical analysis and evaluation in their professional practices;
To cultivate within healthcare professionals the qualities and attributes that are expected of them;
To acquire a higher level of awareness and reflection within the profession and the healthcare industry to improve the quality of healthcare services; and
To develop students' ability to assume a managerial or scientific level of practice.
C. Evidence-based Practice
To equip students with the necessary research skills to enable them to perform evidence-based practice in the delivery of healthcare service.
D. Personal Development
To provide channels for practising professionals to continuously develop themselves while at work; and
To allow graduates to develop themselves further after graduation.
Our laboratories are well-equipped to support students in their studies, research and dissertations. Our specialised equipment includes a flow cytometer, cell culture facilities; basic and advanced instruments for molecular biology research (including thermal cyclers, DNA sequencers, real-time PCR systems and an automatic mutation detection system), microplate systems for ELISA work, HPLC, FPLC, LCMSMS, ICPMS, tissue processors, automatic cell analysers, a preparative ultracentrifuge, automated Access Immuno-analyzer and Roche I400 automated analyzer.