The Head of a department / school / institute / office / centre / unit assumes the overall responsibility of the health and safety management of his / her department.
Health and Safety Responsibilities
- Implement the University health, safety and environmental policies through practical departmental arrangements.
- Assess the risk inherent in the work of their departments and put controls in place.
- Appoint a departmental health and safety officer to carry out duties as assigned.
- Provide clearly defined chains of responsibility and lines of communication for health and safety in all areas within their control.
- Establish departmental health, safety and environmental committee or alternative means of safety organization.
- Provide the necessary information, instruction and training to enable staff to perform their job in a safe manner.
- Make health and safety training an indispensable element of teaching at all levels.
- Allocate appropriate staff time and resources to meet the requirements of the health, safety and environmental policies.
- Ensure that staff having roles as supervisors carry out their health and safety duties properly.
- Ensure that safety and environmental protection enjoys high priority when contractors and suppliers are selected and controlled.
- Ensure appropriate records are kept.
- Ensure the proper supervision of students.
- Suspend or stop any departmental activity that is dangerous or not carried out in line with departmental health, safety and environmental arrangements.
- Monitor health and safety performance actively.