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Stargazing in Hong Kong

19 Oct 2021

Where can we find a great view of the night sky in Hong Kong? It can be tricky. With all the high-rise, skyscrapers, and bright lights, it is almost impossible for most of us who live in the city to see stars or even the lovely moon. Nevertheless, there are still some of the best stargazing spots in Hong Kong to enjoy the best night views.

A lot of us would love to head for the hills or the outlying islands to observe the night sky and the stars and bring along cameras and accessories to capture the wonder of the stars above. In a recent online sharing session, Mr Mew Chu, the astronomy tutor and photography columnist, shared his experience with the participants on how he took his fantastic photos of the starry sky. He also briefed the participants on the basics of stargazing the Perseid Meteor Shower and shared tips on astronomical photography.

Mr Mew Chu talks to the participants

Mew challenged the participants with a question – do we care only what camera models, equipment and telescopes we need for stargazing and forget about the real magic of the stars? When people fancy so much about looking up at the sky and taking photos, we should also be careful about human factors including the observers’ eyesight and experience may also affect what can be seen. The extent of light pollution in the observing location is of foremost importance in Hong Kong. The more serious the light pollution is, the smaller the number of stars and meteors observable. We should adopt proper stargazing manners and avoid using powerful lighting or use flash photography.

The speaker reminds the participants of proper stargazing manners

Meteor showers and starry skies are valuable natural wonders, but they are slowly disappearing due to severe light pollution. Light pollution not only takes away our starry nights, but it also means a waste of energy and damages both the natural and living environment. As we develop our fondness for stargazing, it is also the moment we should dedicate our respect to nature and the universe.

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