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Spend a day in a sustainable way and be part of the GreenCoin community

29 Apr 2019

How would you spend your day on campus? Someone begins with getting a takeaway breakfast and a drink from the canteen. After a morning’s work, he or she may turn to the Sports Centre for a refreshing workout experience, and then grab a bottle of chilled drink. Are you aware that almost all these activities that you develop in a normal day are likely to be made in a sustainable way? Do you know you will be rewarded and can gain attractive incentives with these green habits through the new PolyU GreenCoin campaign?

PolyU has recently launched a fun-filled activity to engage its students and staff to adopt more sustainable habits. Being the first of its kind among local tertiary institutions, PolyU’s GreenCoin is a unique programme promoting sustainability and rewards students and staff for taking everyday green actions in day to day lives. It empowers them to make a collective impact on the environment by taking simple steps towards greener lifestyles.

PolyU GreenCoin launches in April

GreenCoin comes with a mobile app that helps the campus community to enjoy the process of greening their behaviors and habits. Upon exercising actions such as bring-your-own food and beverage containers for takeaway meals, or support plastic bottle recycling, students and staff can accumulate virtual credits named ‘Coins’ through the mobile app. The Coins earned can be exchanged for specific e-coupons for use in dedicated campus dining and sports facilities, or for redeeming gifts that help them to consolidate their sustainable habits. The campus community can enjoy self-benefitting incentives that increase their satisfaction. They get rewarded for doing the right thing.

Redeeming e-coupons for different rewards with GreenCoin

Fun and easy to use, the GreenCoin mobile app reminds users how easy their good green intentions may help them win rewards. They will feel excited and motivated about taking real actions in their lives when they register their green habits through a game. They will be able to make more sustainable, green choices while having fun at the same time. 

GreenCoin comes in a unique mobile app

GreenCoin works with the aim of making green a habit. The University believes that if green habits are inculcated in the campus community, it will have a ripple effect in all forms of life while the rewards will act as reinforcement and motivation. It is a great way to turn positive intentions into green actions. Try it and download it now!

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