What do optometrists do?
Optometrists are experts in vision and eye care. As members of an independent profession and which can be accessed by the public directly, optometrists strive to enhance the quality of life of people by improving their eyesight and promoting ocular health. The World Council of Optometry defines the concept of optometry as follows:
"Optometry is a health care profession that is autonomous, educated and regulated (licensed/ registered), and optometrists are the primary health care practitioners of the eye and visual system who provide comprehensive eye and vision care, which includes refraction and dispensing, detection/ diagnosis and management of disease in the eye, and the rehabilitation of conditions of the visual system."
Entry to the profession is governed by legislation and graduates of our BSc(Hons) in Optometry programme are eligible for direct entry to Part I of Hong Kong's Optometrists Register.
Optometrists provide primary vision and eye care to the community. Specifically, they:
- Assess vision
- Screen, detect and diagnose visual and ocular problems
- Refract
- Prescribe and dispense spectacles, contact lenses and vision therapy
- Prescribe and dispense other special visual aids
- Provide advice on visual behaviour
- Provide advice on visual ergonomics
What are their career prospects?
Career prospects for our graduates are excellent. There is a shortage of optometrists in Hong Kong. Upon graduation, graduates may choose to:
- Be employed as a professional optometrist in the commercial sector
- Start his/her private optometric practice
- Join a multinational company engaged in the eye care business
- Pursue further studies
Further information
For more details, please visit the website of our School of Optometry at https://www.polyu.edu.hk/so.