Laboratories and Facilities
The Faculty houses state-of-the-art laboratories dedicated to education and scientific research. These laboratories are equipped with the latest technologies for faculty members and students to carry out practical research work.
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Meets international standards
- Consists of 9 interpretation booths, allowing up to 18 interpreters to work simultaneously
- Simulates accurately the facilities used by professional interpreters at international conferences and meetings
Equipped with cutting-edge research facilities such as the NeuroScan EEG system, Eyelink 1000 Plus and Tobii Eye-tracker
Equipped with the latest VR tools for conducting language learning and cognitive training experiments, including HTC Vive, Microsoft HoloLens and HTC Vive Pro Eye
Located at PolyU’s Shenzhen Research Institute (SZRI)
- Conducts research to understand the neural and computational bases of language representation and learning

Provides supplementary facilities to enhance the language learning experience
Operates an in-house clinic that provides professional speech therapy service to the general public
- Serves both adult and child clients with a wide range of communication and/or swallowing disorders
- Provides supervised clinical hours required for the professional training of speech therapy students
Specially designed for students to support creative approaches to teaching and learning
- Houses books, multimedia resources, VR space, multi-purpose self-study rooms and a research students' corner
- Offers a wide range of activities such as assistance programmes and workshops to help students further develop Chinese language skills