Teaching Standard Chinese and Cantonese as a Second Language in Higher Education (TCCSL) 2023 Lecture Series
Chinese Language Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, was honoured to have funding support from the Sin Wai Kin Chinese Humanities Development Fund and Faculty of Humanities Dean’s Reserve to hold the Teaching Standard Chinese and Cantonese as a Second Language in Higher Education (TCCSL) 2023 Lecture Series. TCCSL is a unique opportunity for second language educators and researchers in Standard Chinese and Cantonese to learn and exchange ideas. The theme of this year was Virtual Teaching and Learning, Learner Diversity, and Pedagogy. All lectures have been held in the year of 2023 with profound and in-depth inspiration. Details and links can be found as follows:
蔡薇教授(加拿大卡加利大學):〈從理論視角探討 Chat GPT 在漢語學習與教學中的應用〉,2023年10月28日。

Memorable moments…….

Forthcoming Event:

TCCSL International Conference 2024 (June 2024)
International Conference on Teaching and Learning Standard Chinese and Cantonese as a Second Language (TCCSL International Conference 2024), hosted by the Chinese Language Centre (CLC) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, will focus on research and teaching related to the fields of teaching Standard Chinese and Cantonese as a second language. The conference will address current and trending academic topics, providing a platform for scholars and educators in related fields to exchange ideas, collaborate, and advance their professional development. It will also serve as a gathering for both new and old friends, commemorating the 25th anniversary of the establishment of the CLC. You are more than welcome to join this great meaningful event.
More details can be found on the CLC website and Facebook: