FH New Directions Lecture Series

The FH New Directions Lecture Series provides a forum for the Faculty’s junior scholars at the ranks of Assistant Professor or Research Assistant Professor to present the latest directions of their research to the larger intellectual communities. Three lectures were given by presenters from our three academic departments in the previous season:
- “Turning a Lesson into a Living: English Teachers’ Strategies for Success on Online Tutoring Platforms” by Dr Nate Ming Curran(ENGL)
- “Semantic Representations in Chinese Transformer Models” by Dr Emmanuele Chersoni(CBS)
- “(Im)practical Contraceptive Methods: The Vernacularization of Birth Control Knowledge and Technologies in 1930s and 1940s China” by Dr Zhang Yun(CHC)
For more information about the Lecture Series, please visit https://polyu.hk/XOwRM.