Dr GU Chonglong
Dr GU Chonglong
Assistant Professor
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Dr Gu holds an MA in Conference Interpreting and Translation Studies (Leeds University) and a PhD in Interpreting Studies (Manchester University). His research interests lie in (critical) discourse analysis, corpus linguistics, linguistic landscape, and various socially engaged topics relating to media, journalism, and communication in a variety of settings. His recent academic writings have appeared in several SSCI-indexed journals including Target, The Translator, Perspectives, Translation and Interpreting Studies, Discourse, Context and Media, Critical Discourse Studies, Language and Intercultural Communication and various book chapters (Routledge, Springer, Peter Lang etc.). He has also frequently reviewed SSCI/A&HCI listed journals and book proposals (e.g. Routledge and Cambridge University Press). Previously, he was lecturer/assistant professor in Chinese Translation Studies, PhD supervisor, and founding programme director of MA in Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting at the University of Liverpool. He is currently associate editor of the International Journal of Chinese and English Translation & Interpreting (edited by Prof Binhua Wang at the University of Leeds).

Prof. SHENG Li
Prof. SHENG Li
Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
Prof. Sheng obtained her PhD degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders from Northwestern University and held faculty positions at the University of Texas-Austin and the University of Delaware prior to joining PolyU. She conducts basic, translational, and clinical practice research with the goals of advancing understanding of the mechanisms of language development and improving the quality of life of individuals who have language disorders. She has published widely in interdisciplinary journals such as Frontiers in Psychology, PLOS One, Child Development, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, and the Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. Her research is funded by the Spencer Foundation, the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation, the Chinese Ministry of Education, and Shanghai Ministry of Education. She is the recipient of the National Academy of Education postdoctoral fellowship (2011) and the Pu Dong One Hundred award (2014). She is a Salzburg Fellow (2017) and served as associate editor for the American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.

Research Assistant Professor
Department of Chinese Culture
Dr Zhang Yun received her PhD in Modern China Studies from the University of Hong Kong. Before joining The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, she was a postdoctoral researcher in the Institute of Sinology of the University of Erlangen and Nuremberg (Germany) and a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of History of the Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). Her research interests mainly lie in the history of health and medicine in modern China, science and technology studies, as well as gender studies. Her current research project focuses on the knowledge production and circulation of women’s reproductive health and technologies in China’s global twentieth century.
She has published articles and translations on Chinese women’s history, women’s print culture, as well as medicine and gender. Her work has appeared in journals such as Twentieth-Century China, Nan Nü: Men, Women and Gender in China, and Harvard Asia Quarterly. Her first monograph Engendering the Woman Question: Men, Women, and Writing in China’s Early Periodical Press was published by Brill in 2020.