Distinguished Lectures in Humanities
The Distinguished Lectures in Humanities provides an interdisciplinary forum for eminent scholars to visit the Faculty of Humanities and deliver a distinguished lecture at PolyU. Three distinguished lectures were held between October and November 2021:
“The Theory and Practice of Narrative Health Message Design” on 18 October 2021
(by Prof. Michael HECHT, Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Communication Arts and Sciences, Pennsylvania State University and President, REAL Prevention, LLC)
“Evidence-Based Principles for Designing Effective Multimedia Instruction” on 4 November 2021
(by Prof Richard E. MAYER, Distinguished Professor of Psychological and Brain Sciences University of California, Santa Barbara)
“Variable outcomes in first- and second-language acquisition: conditioning factors and analytical perspectives” on 17 November 2021
(by Prof David BIRDSONG, Professor of French Linguistics, Department of French and Italian, University of Texas)