Prof. John Rogers
Assistant Professor
- FG327
- +852 3400 3498
- john.rogers@polyu.edu.hk
- Academia
Research Overview
My research is broadly situated within the areas of second language acquisition (SLA) and second language instruction. I have a particular interest in the cognitive processes that underlie second language development. My research is empirical and has investigated topics such as the effects of second language practice, intentional vs. incidental learning, the development of implicit and explicit knowledge, task-based language teaching, and methodological issues related to research in these areas.
The primary focus of my research agenda has been related to spacing effects, and testing the degree that spacing and similar principles and concepts from the field of cognitive psychology generalize to authentic teaching and learning contexts and, in particular, to SLA. Recently, I have become interested in how second language instruction might be effectively differentiated, including for learners with specific learning difficulties.
Doctoral Supervision
I would be particularly interested in PhD supervision related to investigating distributed practice effects (spacing effects) in learning. Such projects could be aimed at investigating the learning of grammar or vocabulary under various spacing conditions, and the role of various mediating / moderating variables, such as working memory capacity, in this process. Other possibilities include researching the effects of spacing on other under-researched areas. There are a wide range of possibilities. Reach out by email to discuss.
Education and Academic Qualifications
- PhD in Applied Linguistics – Institute of Education, University College London
- MA TESOL, The New School New York
- BA in English Language and Literature, North Carolina State University
Academic and Professional Experience
- Assistant Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2022-present)
- Assistant Professor, The Education University of Hong Kong (EduHK) (2017-2022)
- Lecturer, Foundation Program Department of English, Qatar University (Doha, Qatar) (2010-2017)
Teaching Areas
- Second Language Acquisition
- Research Methods
- Teaching Methodology
Research Interests
Research Output
- Rogers, J., Nakata, T., & Chiu., M.M. (accepted). Optimizing distributed practice online: A conceptual replication of Cepeda et al. (2009). Studies in Second Language Acquisition.
- The Twilex Group* (Chen, Y., Gao, J., Hirzinger-Unterrainer, E-M., Hui, B., Li. P., Kremmel, B., Ma, S., Maie, R., Puimège, E., Rogers, J. &., Wilson., M.* (Accepted). First language effects on incidental vocabulary learning through bimodal input: A multisite, preregistered, and close replication of Malone (2018). Studies in Second Language Acquisition. *Team publication: authors listed in alphabetical order
- Rogers, J. (2023). Spacing effects in task repetition research. Language Learning, 73(2), 445-474. http://10.1111/lang.12526
- Tam, C.O., Cheng, C.K.E., Chan, K.W.A., Rogers, J., & Tan, X. (2023). Exploring the Characteristics of Undergraduate Students' Creative Thinking Skills. International Journal of Learning and Teaching (IJLT), 9(3), 191-196.
- Rogers, J., & Cheung, A. (2022). Are university faculty to blame for the prevalence of education myths?: A cross-sectional study of trainee teachers. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 33(2), 206-215
- Rogers, J., & Cheung, A. (2021). Does it matter when you review? Input spacing, ecological validity, and the learning of L2 vocabulary. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 43(5), 1138-1156.
- Rogers, J. (2021). Input spacing in second language classroom settings: Replications of Bird (2010) and Serrano (2011). Language Teaching, 54, 424-433.
- Rogers, J., & Cheung, A. (2020). Input spacing and the learning of L2 vocabulary in a classroom context. Language Teaching Research, 24(5), 616-641
- Rogers, J., & Cheung, A. (2020). Belief in learning myths perpetuated by pre-service teacher training programs. Journal of Education for Teaching, 46(3), 417-420.
- Rogers, J. & Leow, R.P. (2020). Towards greater empirical feasibility of the theoretical framework for systematic and deliberate L2 practice: Comments on Suzuki, Nakata, and DeKeyser (2019). Modern Language Journal, 104, 209-312.
- Freeborn, L., & Rogers, J. (2019). Non-linguistic factors which affect degree of foreign accent in Mandarin as a second language. Journal of Chinese Linguistics, 40 (1), 75-99.
- Rogers, J. (2017). The spacing effect and its relevance to Second Language Acquisition. Applied Linguistics, 38, 906-911. doi: 10.1093/applin/amw052
- Rogers, J. (2017). Awareness and Learning under Incidental Learning Conditions. Language Awareness, 26 (2), 113-133. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09658416.2017.1287711.
- Rogers, J., Révész, A., & Rebuschat, P. (2016). Implicit and Explicit Knowledge of Inflectional Morphology. Applied Psycholinguistics, 37, 781-812. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0142716415000247
- Rogers, J. (2015). Learning simple and complex grammatical rules under massed and distributed conditions (2015). TESOL Quarterly, 49, 857-866. DOI: 10.1002/tesq.252
- Rogers, J. (Accepted). Repetition, retrieval, and spaced practice in second language acquisition. In C. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (2nd Ed.). Wiley
- Rogers, J. & Yang, X. (Accepted). Attention and awareness in English language learning. To appear in A. Cirocki, B. Indrarathne & S. McCulloch (Eds.), Educational Psychology for TESOL: A Guide for Practitioners. Springer.
- Suzuki, Y., Nakata, T., & Rogers, J. (2023). Optimizing input and intake processing: A role for practice and explicit learning. in Y. Suzuki (Ed.), Practice and Automatization in Second Language Research. (pp. 39-63). New York: Routledge.
- Isbell, D. & Rogers, J. (2021). Measuring implicit/explicit learning. In P. Winke & T. Brunfaut (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Second Language Acquisition and Language Testing (pp. 305-315). New York: Routledge.
- Rogers, J., & Révész, A. (2020). Experimental and quasi-experimental designs. In H. Rose & J. McKinley (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (pp. 133-143). New York: Routledge.
- Rogers, J. (2019). Depth of processing and the development of implicit and explicit knowledge. In R.P. Leow (Ed.), SLR Handbook of Classroom Learning: Processing and Processes (pp. 76-88). New York: Routledge.
- Hendawi, M., Manasreh, M., Scotland, J., & Rogers, J. (2019). Qatar University Foundation Program: An Access to higher education and pathway for transformation (pp. 121-132). In C.I. Agosti & E. Bernhat (Eds.) University Pathway Programs: Local Responses within a Growing Global Trend. New York: Springer.
- Rogers, J. (2018). Teaching / Learning vocabulary through metacognition. In J. Liontas (Ed.), The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching: Teaching vocabulary. Wiley.
- Rogers, J., Révész, A., & Rebuschat, P. (2015). Challenges in incidental learning research. In P. Rebuschat (Ed.), Implicit and Explicit Learning of Languages (pp. 275-300). Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
- Rogers, J. (2015). Text Grab. In A. Coxhead (Ed.). New Ways in Teaching Vocabulary. 2nd ed. TESOL
- Everything you ever wanted to know about massing, blocking, spacing and interleaving. Interview by Evidence Based EFL (September 25th, 2021). https://malingual.blogspot.com/2021/09/everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know.html
- What do (EFL) students say about good and bad teaching? Modern English Teacher. 22 (4). October, 2013.
- Don’t Panic! Compensation Strategies for the Real World. English Teaching Professional (73), March 2011.
- Moving on to a PhD. In Uncharted TESOL (August 3rd, 2016). http://blogs.newschool.edu/unchartedtesol/2016/08/03/moving-on-to-a-phd/
- Principle Investigator, Effects of expanding retrieval practice in the learning of an increasing item set of second language vocabulary, Hong Kong University Grants Council General Research Fund (Project No.: 18613922) (2023-2024)
- Principle Investigator, Effects of expanding retrieval practice in the learning of an increasing item set of second language vocabulary, Language Learning Early Career Research Grant (2022-2024)
- Co-Principle Investigator, Effects of expanding retrieval practice in the learning of an increasing item set of second language vocabulary, Japan Ministry of Education Grant (2022-2023)
- Principle Coordinator, Development of creative thinking skills: Engagement of students in learning, assessment and collection of evidence. Community of Practice Grant (2021-2022)
- Principle Investigator, Spacing effects in learning revisited: A temporal ridgeline for learning L2 vocabulary. GRF Development Grant (EduHK Internal Funding) (2020-2021)
- Principle Investigator, Spacing Effects in L2 vocabulary learning, Gorilla Grants (Diamond Tier) (2020)
- Principle Investigator, The effects of task-relevant input on L2 interaction, performance, and development. Seed funding grant (2020-2021)
- Principle Investigator, Developing implicit and explicit knowledge of L2 case-marking. Language Learning Dissertation Grant (2015-2016)