Dr Ozgehan Uştuk
Research Assistant Professor
- FG325
- +852 3400 2066
- ozgehan.ustuk@polyu.edu.hk
Research Overview
My recent research covers teacher learning with a focus on identity and emotions and teacher professional development on classroom discourse. To add, I have also engaged in practitioner research both as a teacher educator and a language teacher. That said, my research interests include teacher learning, practitioner research, drama-in-education, and teacher talk in multilingual classroom settings.
I am the chair of the TESOL International Association's Research Professional Council (2022-2024) and a MAXQDA professional trainer (VERBI Software).
Education and Academic Qualifications
- PhD in English Language Teaching, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey
- MA in English Language Teaching, Balikesir University, Turkey
- MA in Theatre Pedagogy and Child/Play/Drama, Ankara University, Turkey
Academic and Professional Experience
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- Visiting Student/Researcher, Michigan State University
- Research Assistant, Balikesir University, Turkey
- Research Assistant, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey
Teaching Areas
- Drama in language education
- Practitioner research
- Academic writing
- Qualitative research
- Second language acquisition
Research Interests
Research Output
- Curtis, J., & Uştuk, Ö. (Eds.). (forthcoming, under contract). Global perspectives on building a culture of research in TESOL: Collaborations and communities. Springer
- De Costa, P. I., & Uştuk, Ö. (Eds.). (2023). Re-envisioning a sociopolitical agenda for TESOL teacher education. Bloomsbury Academic.
- Aydin, S., Harputlu, L., Uştuk, Ö., Çelik, S. S., & Güzel, S. (2017). Çocuklarda yabancı dil kaygısı üzerine bir araştırma. [A research on foreign language anxiety among children]. Pegem Publishing. ISBN: 9786053188230
- Uştuk, Ö. & Yazan, B. (in press). Tensions in an identity-oriented language teaching practicum: A dialogic approach. TESOL Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.3234
- Uştuk, Ö. (in press). Drama-in-teacher-education: A “metaxical” approach for juxtaposing EFL teacher identity and tensions. Language Teaching Research. https://doi.org/10.1177/13621688221118644
- Uştuk, Ö. (2023). “This made me feel honoured”: Process drama and investigating language learner emotions with ethics of care. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance. 28(2), 279–294. https://doi.org/10.1080/13569783.2022.2106127
- Uştuk, Ö. (2022). How massive open online courses constitute digital learning spaces for EFL teachers: A netnographic case study. The Journal of Teaching English with Technology. 22(3-4), 43-62
- Uştuk, Ö. (2021). “Not me with my American flag”: Transnational teachers’ trajectories of language teacher socialization. TESL-EJ. 25(3). https://tesl-ej.org/pdf/ej99/a6.pdf
- Uştuk, Ö., & Van Gorp, K. (2021). Putting process drama in practice with TBLT principles: TESOL in action. TESOL Quarterly. 55(2), 643-654. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesq.3003
- Uştuk, Ö., & De Costa, P. I. (2021) Reflection as meta‐action: Lesson study and EFL teacher professional development. TESOL Journal. 12(1), e00531. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesj.531
- Uştuk, Ö., & Çomoğlu, İ. (2021). Reflexive professional development in reflective practice: What lesson study can offer. International Journal of Lesson and Learning Studies. 10(3), 260-273. https://doi.org/10.1108/ IJLLS-12-2020-0092
- Uştuk, Ö. (2021). From ‘robot’ to ‘rejuvenating warrior’: An EFL learner’s conceptual metaphors during school transition. The Qualitative Report. 26(2), 525-540. https://doi.org/10.46743/2160-3715/2021.4550
- Aydin, S., Harputlu, L., Uştuk, Ö., Çelik, Ş. S., & Güzel, S. (2021). Difficulties in collecting data from children aged 7–12. International Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development (IJTEPD), 4(1), 89-101. https://doi.org/10.4018/IJTEPD.2021010106
- Aydin, S., & Uştuk, Ö. (2020). The Foreign Language Teaching Anxiety Scale: Preliminary Tests of Validity and Reliability. Journal of Language and Education, 6(2), 44-55. https://doi.org/10.17323/jle.2020.10083
- Aydin, S., & Ustuk, Ö. (2020). A Descriptive Study on Foreign Language Teaching Anxiety. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 7(3), 860-876.
- Uştuk, Ö., & Çomoğlu, İ. (2019). Lesson study for professional development of English language teachers: Key takeaways from international practices. Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, 12(2), 41-50. http://dx.doi.org/10.7160/eriesj.2019.120103
- Uştuk, Ö., & Aydın, S. (2018). The effects of the use of paralinguistic cues on foreign language anxiety among English as a foreign language speakers. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 12(3), 289-302. https://doi.org/10.1080/17501229.2016.1211133
- Aydin, S., Harputlu, L., Çelik, Ş. S., Uştuk, Ö., & Güzel, S. (2018). A Descriptive Study on Foreign Language Anxiety among Children. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 33(1): 229-241. https://doi.org/10.16986/HUJE.2017028070
- Uştuk, Ö. (2018). Turkish EFL Instructors’ Perceived Importance of Motivational Strategies: A Descriptive Study. Journal of Foreign Language Education and Technology, 3(1), 215-233.
- Aydin, S., Harputlu, L., Çelik, S. S., Uştuk, Ö., & Güzel, S. (2017). Age, gender and grade effect on foreign language anxiety among children. TEFLIN Journal, 28(2), 133-154. http://dx.doi.org/10.15639/teflinjournal.v28i2/133-154
- Aydin, S., Harputlu, L., Uştuk, Ö., Güzel, S., & Çelik, Ş. S. (2017). The children’s foreign language anxiety scale: Reliability and validity. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 13(2), 43-52.
- Uştuk, Ö., & Inan, D. (2017). Theatre in education: A case of foreign language teaching in Italy. The Literacy Trek, 3(1), 18-31.
- Ceylan, E., Uştuk, Ö., & Comoglu, İ. (2017). The ELT practicum in Turkey: A meta-synthesis of 2008-2017 qualitative research. The Literacy Trek, 3(2), 102-113.
- Uştuk, Ö., & Inan, D. (2017). A Comparative Literature Review of the Studies on Drama in English Language Teaching in Turkey. Novitas-ROYAL (Research on Youth and Language), 11(1), 27-41.
- Aydın, S., Harputlu, L., Güzel, S., Çelik, Ş. S., Uştuk, Ö., & Genç, D. (2016). A Turkish version of foreign language anxiety scale: Reliability and validity. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 232, 250-256. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2016.10.011
- Aydin, S., Harputlu, L., Güzel, S., Uştuk, Ö., Çelik, Ş. S., & Genç, D. (2016). Children’s Foreign Language Anxiety Scale: Preliminary tests of reliability and validity. Turkish Online Journal of English Language Teaching, 1(3). 144-150.
- Uştuk, Ö. & Yazan, B. (forthcoming). An English language teacher candidate’s tensions in the context of Turkey: What does an identity-oriented practicum course offer?. In K. Bailey & D. Nunan (Eds.). English teaching and learning in the Middle East and North Africa. TIRF/Routledge Series.
- Uştuk, Ö. (forthcoming). The new ELT program in Turkey and the teaching practicum: A space for promoting reflective practice. In A. Cirocki, A. Gao, & M. Wyatt (Eds.). Developing Reflective ELT Practitioners through Teacher Education: Insights from Asian Contexts. Springer
- Uştuk, Ö. & Özer, İ. S. (forthcoming). Understanding and promoting inclusive TESOL through participatory community engagements: A duoethnographic study. In Z. Tajeddin & B. Yazan (Eds.). Language teacher identity tensions: Nexus of agency, emotion, and investment. Routledge
- Uştuk, Ö., & Comoglu, I. (2023). Mediating reflective practice through lesson study: The case of an EFL teacher. In B. Gun, & E. Ustunluoglu (Eds.). Exploring the principles of reflective practice in ELT: Research and perspectives from Turkey. Equinox
- Uştuk, Ö., & De Costa, P. I. (2022). “Started working as a global volunteer ...”: Developing professional transnational habitus through Erasmus+. In R. Jain, B. Yazan, & S. Canagarajah (Eds.). Transnational research in English language teaching: Critical pedagogies, practices, and identities. Multilingual Matters.
- Uştuk, Ö. (2022). Pretexts: Igniter materials of dramatic elsewhere in EFL classrooms. In D. LaScotte, C. S. Mathieu, & S. David (Eds.). New perspectives on material mediation in language learner pedagogy. Springer. Uştuk, Ö., & Çomoğlu, İ. (2019). Reframing as a mentor-coaching technique in initial EFL teacher education. In K. Dikilitas, M. Wyatt, A. Burns, & G. Barkhuizen (Eds.). Energizing teacher research. Kent, UK: IATEFL.
- Uştuk, Ö. & De Costa, P. (2023). Voices from the Moorland: A critical linguistic ethnography of language educators. AILA 2023 International Conference, Lyon, France.
- Uştuk, Ö. (2023). “Started working as a global volunteer ...”: Developing professional transnational habitus through the Erasmus+. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2023 International Conference, Portland, USA.
- Uştuk, Ö., & Yazan, B. (2022). Designing an identity-oriented teaching practicum: A dialogical perspective to language teacher identity work. American Association of Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2022 International Conference, Pittsburg, USA.
- Uştuk, Ö. (2021). A learning-centered L2 writing course design based on critical thinking and online debate. TESOL Turkey 3 International Conference, Online.
- Uştuk, Ö. (2021). Self-directed learning in an online EAP course: What the new normal brought in. ICRAL 2021, Online. Uştuk, Ö. (2020). Transforming teacher learning through lesson study: A critical ethnographic study. TESOL International Convention Doctoral Forum, Online.
- Uştuk, Ö. (2020). Identifying the challenges of teaching English to speakers of other languages in Covid-19- impacted education. 4 Conference on Language and Awareness, Online.
- “A critical ethnographic understanding of lesson study as an EFL teacher professional development strategy” 2018-2019. Funded by Turkish-Fulbright Commission Doctoral Research Program Scholarships.
- “Foreign language anxiety among children” [115K738-3001]. 2015-2017, Funded by Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey.
- “Teaching English as a foreign language through theatre: Theatre-makers’ perspectives” [BAP.2015.0001]. 2015, Funded by Balikesir University, Research Projects Fund.
- “Presidential Plenary: Inspiring the Future of Research in ELT”, TESOL 2023 International Convention & English Language Expo, Oregon, Portland, US.
Esteem Measures
- TESOL International Association
- American Association for Applied Linguistics
- Hong Kong Association for Applied Linguistics
- The Literacy Trek, Associate Editor
- ERIES Journal, Editorial Board Member
- The Betty Azar Grant for Practicing ESL/EFL Teachers (TESOL International Association, 2022)
- Albert H. Marckwardt Grant (TESOL International Association, 2020),
- Fulbright Ph.D. Research Grant (U.S. Department of State, Fulbright Program, 2018-2019),
- Academic Incentive Award (Balikesir University, 2019),
- Academic Incentive Award (Balikesir University, 2017),
- Academic Incentive Award (Balikesir University, 2016),
- Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Scholarships (TUBITAK) for PhD studies (2016-2020).
- Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey Scholarships (TUBITAK) for MA studies (2014-2016)