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New joint paper on development and psychometric evaluation of the Aversion to Bowel Cancer Screening Scale

10 Jan 2023


This new joint paper by our Prof. Stefano Occhipintipublished in a journal at Wiley, discusses using a newly-developed Aversion to Bowel Cancer Screening Scale (ABCSS) to assess people's reluctance to have bowel cancer screening.

Based on extensive interviews with people in the target population for screening in Australia, the results show that ABCSS is a valid measure of aversion to colorectal cancer (CRC) screening for asymptomatic community members facing the decision to undertake CRC screening. This instrument may provide a more comprehensive understanding of the decision-making process for CRC screening.

This paper is the first to assess affective responses across a wide range of emotions and to address the whole process of screening, rather than one single type of screening.

Open access to the paper from HERE.

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