Migrant Worker Lives Matter Talk Series: Care and Support Systems for Migrant Workers
Seminars / Lectures / Workshops

28 Nov 2024
The Department of English and Communication
16:00 - 17:30
AG312, PolyU Campus
This panel explores the complex network of care and support that migrant domestic workers encounter, drawing on diverse experiences of health, motherhood, and organizational support in Hong Kong. Presentations will highlight the personal and social dimensions of care, from the resilience of mothers facing health challenges, to the crucial role of NGOs in providing migrant-focused care, and the contributions of organizational communication to fostering resilience in migrant health. Together, these discussions reveal how migrant workers navigate care responsibilities and rely on support systems within their host and home communities, and they underscore the importance of inclusive, responsive care structures that recognize the unique challenges faced by migrant workers. This panel invites reflection on both personal and organizational approaches to care needed to enhance the well-being of migrant communities.