
Please visit "TALKING ACROSS THE WORLD" Symposium 2021 website from HERE


The 6th “TALKING ACROSS THE WORLD” Symposium - Communication Skills in Hong Kong and Regional Contact Centres

16th May 2019

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Organized by the
Research Centre for Professional Communication in English (RCPCE),
Department of English, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
with support from
Hong Kong Call Centre Association (HKCCA) and Future Perfect


As the contact centre industry continues to grow in both volume and range of services, the need for good communication skills remains vital to its continued success. Technology changes are also enabling new channels for customer service and support, with Webchat and social media growing fast. Good communication skills are essential for this industry and are regularly subjected to a range of ‘quality assurance’ measures within the industry. This conference focuses on the changing and dynamic communication needs and how best to ensure high quality provision.

There is enormous potential for industry and academics to collaborate on how contact centres can improve their communication with clients. Applied linguistic research is currently providing some exciting research-based solutions to the communication requirements of this industry at the points of recruitment, training, performance coaching and quality assurance, while projects within the industry provide case studies of effective practices.

Talking Across the World (TAW) 6 is a forum for academia and industry to exchange ideas, share best practices and research around the key concerns in communication in the contact centre industry. Previously TAW symposia have taken place in India and the Philippines and this year it will take place in Hong Kong. It is aimed at industry attendees, including quality assurance, account management, and trainers and coaches, and academics with an interest in this area. We also seek the participation of graduating Hong Kong students who wish to learn about the exciting career prospects in contact centres.