Call for Papers

The call for papers is already closed.

We are keen to invite industry personnel, academics, students and researchers throughout the Asian region to submit a paper for this conference.

Specifically, the conference will address the issues of:

1. Technology impact on contact centre communication – papers related to technology changes and their impact to date, as well as projected changes and expectations in mobile, translation, and auto-agent developments.

2. Assessing language for business impact and customer service - papers related to language and communication assessment practices in contact centres both external and commercial assessments, and internal quality assurance (QA) measures used within the industry; and how well these test the specific communication features they are designed to assess.

3. Curriculum innovation in contact centre communication training - papers related to:

- Research: how language research has informed the development of training and coaching materials.

- Curriculum: the syllabus design process from planning to implementation to evaluation.

- Learning methods: including microlearning and gamification

4. Intercultural communication - papers related to:

- Intercultural awareness and its impact on the success of contact centre work; critiques of existing programmes in intercultural training; and ideas for more effective training and awareness raising for culture.

5. Discourse analysis and linguistic research - papers related to:

- Linguistic analyses of different aspects of contact centre interactions and transactions, and how these can inform practice.


Abstract submissions

All individual presentations will be 20 minutes long, followed by a 5-minute Q&A session.

Abstracts should be kept to a maximum of 200 words (excluding references). You are welcome to submit more than one contribution, but please note that you can only be first author for one contribution.

You may download the abstract template at here

Please submit your abstract to our Project Associate Mr. Amos Yung (


Important Dates

 Deadline for abstract submissions:   5 April 2019
 Notice of acceptance:   9 April 2019
 Deadline for online payment registration (presenters):   29 April 2019
 Programme announcement:   6 May 2019