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FHSS is delighted to provide our researchers and research students with productive research tools and software to support and improve research activities in the Faculty.

Qualtrics Research Suite is a world-leading online surveying platform. The Qualtrics platform is widely used for survey and questionnaire research among many universities and organisations worldwide. Since FHSS started subscribing to Qualtrics, many colleagues in our Faculty have tried using the tool for data collection and collation in their research and are very satisfied with its ease of use, flexibility and effectiveness.


All staff members and research students of FHSS are eligible to use Qualtrics Research Suite in their research projects with appropriate ethics approval. Research students shall obtain endorsement from their supervisors before use.


Application procedure:
Please complete and submit the application form at

GraphPad Prism is a powerful tool for graphing and analysing research data. It is a widely used tool by academics and researchers worldwide. If you wish to try out Prism by yourself, GraphPad offers a free 30-day trial of Prism to everyone. FHSS’s subscription to Prism allows up to 10 users to access the tool at the same time. The maximum number of users allowed at the same time and the duration of provision may be adjusted according to the level of utilisation and feedback.


All staff members and research students of FHSS are eligible to use GraphPad Prism in their research projects.


To access GraphPad Prism:
For the convenience of access, we have built a pool of hosting computers for eligible users to remotely access. All staff members and research students of FHSS can remotely access GraphPad Prism installed on the dedicated machines via the PolyU Desktop Sharing portal (UDS) at

Comprehensive Meta-Analysis (CMA) is a powerful software for conducting meta-analysis, the statistical procedure for combining data from multiple research studies. When the treatment effect (or effect size) is consistent from one study to another, meta-analysis can be used to identify this common effect. When the effect varies from one study to another, meta-analysis may be used to identify the reason for this variation.

Covidence is a web-based collaboration software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews, including supporting citation screening, full text review of references, and a number of other processes relevant to the systematic review of scientific literature.


All staff members and research students of FHSS are eligible to use Covidence in their research projects with appropriate ethics approval. Research students shall obtain endorsement from their supervisors before use.


Application procedure:
Please complete and submit the application form at

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