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J.C.DISI一直致力推行香港過渡性房屋的研究。2021年初,由特區政府政策創新與統籌辦事處管理的策略性公共政策研究資助計劃 (SPPR)向J.C.DISI頒發 $315萬港元的資助。資助計劃旨在支持年期較長而又符合策略議題的公共政策研究,並藉此推動院校/智庫就策略議題的協作。


mic co-living


在這種新範式下,互相理解和信任,以及有效溝通和協作是成功的關鍵。 為了牢固非政府機構、政府、天使房東、相關發展專業人士和承包商等界別之間的關係,研究的第二部分將重點探討它們的協作關係、貢獻及痛點衝突等問題。 研究將針對各種過渡性房屋的實踐形式,包括改建現有公寓、學校和其他政府建築物,以及在短期租用的公共或私人土地上建造可搬遷的建築。研究亦會特別關注組裝合成建築法(MiC),促進此技術的廣泛應用,提高項目的成本效益和設計靈活性。


[只提供英文版] (2025) Janet Lee, Kwok Lang Lee, Shu Lin Shi, Karen Lee, et al., Applying a Participatory Design Model-Making Engagement Activity to Understand How Different Stakeholders Envision Senior-Friendly Outdoor Gyms in Parks

Population aging has led to an increased focus on creating outdoor gyms in parks for seniors. Twenty-five participants from a broad age spectrum, with different education levels, and with different role identities participated in the model-making engagement activity and semi-structured interviews in parks and university settings. Themes associated with participants’ choice of exercise apparatus, supportive environmental design, and spatial arrangement in the outdoor exercise space were identified. The three-dimensional models created by the participants provided visual insights into their envisioned senior-friendly outdoor gyms. The findings of this study provide valuable guidance for designing senior-friendly outdoor gyms in parks.

凌嘉勤 (2024) 〈推動香港更好融入國家發展大局;完善融合機制的突破點及建議〉,《廣東發展報告2024》,229-241

[只提供英文版] (2024) Construction Industry Council and HKGBC, "Technical Report on The Deconstruction, Relocation And Reinstallation of MiC Modules at Nam Cheong 220 Transitional Housing Project", Hong Kong Report 2024, 171-172.

[只提供英文版] (2024) Construction Industry Council and HKGBC, "Study on Effective Transitional Housing Delivery in Hong Kong", Hong Kong Report 2024, 169-170.

[只提供英文版] (2024) Crystal Kwan, Arnold Y.L. Wong, Ho Chung Tam, Edward K.N. Ngai, Wing Tung Lam, Wing Him Tang, Lui Ka Chun, and Debby Y.Y. Cheng, "Evaluating a Multimodal Intervention for Hong Kong's Older Informal and Precarious Workers"

This article evaluates the Pickers’ Link, a Hong Kong initiative enhancing older waste pickers’ bio-psycho-social well-being, addressing research and practice gaps for precarious workers. The program's influence and mechanisms were captured in themes spanning social and digital engagement, health and mobility benefits, crucial outreach engagement and personalized support. The quantitative analysis revealed pain reduction and cognitive enhancements post-treatment, while improvements in grip strength and physical function did not meet clinical significance thresholds.

[只提供英文版] (2024) Yang Yang, Bowen Zheng, Calvin Luk, Ka-fai Yuen, Albert Chan, “Towards a Sustainable Circular Economy: Understanding the Environmental Credits and Loads of Reusing Modular Building Components from a Multi-use Cycle Perspective”, Sustainable Production and Consumption, 46:543-558

Properly designed modular construction offers the potential for easy disassembly, relocation, and reuse across multiple use cycles. However, the environmental benefits and burdens resulting from the reuse of modular components over these cycles are not well understood. The study aimed to assess the environmental credits and loads associated with reusing modular components over multiple use cycles...

[只提供英文版] Luk, C.W. (2023) Technical Report on the Deconstruction, Relocation and Reinstallation of MiC Modules in Nam Cheong 220 Transitional Housing Project

Using Modular-integrated Construction (MiC) method to build transitional housing can achieve earlier occupancy, owing to its faster on-site project delivery when compared with traditional in-situ construction. As these temporary housing projects are normally developed on vacant government or privately-owned land with limited duration of land tenure, the adapted MiC method shall also allow efficient disassembly and future reuse/reinstallation in their subsequent life cycles. Otherwise, if these temporary MiC housing projects are scrapped and disposed of as construction waste, the adverse environmental impact relative to the period of use may be much greater than that of permanent buildings. To optimise the environmental sustainability and economic value of temporary MiC housing, it calls for a shift from demolition to deconstruction, a process of disassembly, relocation, and reuse.

[只提供英文版] Luk, C.W. (2024), "Environmental Design for Older Adults", Ageing Care in the Community: Current Practices and Future Directions, Ch. 13.

Population ageing is a challenge to societies worldwide in terms of healthcare, social support, community infrastructure, and more. With one of the longest life expectancies in the world, Hong Kong will soon see a dramatic increase in the number of older residents together with a decrease in the old age dependency ratio. This book provides a timely examination of the current status and services available for Hong Kong’s ageing population in four key areas: general healthcare needs, such as health promotion and lifestyle modifications; specific healthcare needs, including care of chronic conditions and hip fractures; psychosocial needs for older people with intellectual disabilities and impairments, as well as the needs of their caregivers; and environmental and technological needs in relation to universal design, information and communication technology, and telehealth. Drawing from a wide range of experience in local professional settings combined with international best practices, the authors offer holistic, evidence-based solutions for the development of an age-friendly society where elders can age in place at home in their communities. These suggestions will be useful for policy makers, healthcare practitioners, social workers, care workers, as well as older people and their families not only in Hong Kong but globally.

[只提供英文版] Chan, S., Tsang, A.S.Y., Chow, J.M.L. and Lee, B. (2023). Presentation at the American Education Research Association (AERA) Conference on Engagement, Empathy, and Creativity: Experiential Learning through Design Thinking for Secondary School Students, Chicago, 13-16 April 2023.

In a world of unprecedented changes and uncertainties, our next generation needs to be equipped with appropriate skills to solve real-world problems. Design thinking, an approach to solving novel problems, can be situated in education to help students learn to solve ill-defined problems, practice empathy, think critically, as well as think creatively. This paper will describe an experiential learning opportunity whereby secondary school students experienced the stages of design thinking through a workshop. There were many gains, including an increase in the students’ level of creativity, as well as a heightened awareness of the needs of others. This study shows that experiencing design thinking can be beneficial to secondary students as they acquire essential skills for the future.

[只提供英文版] Chow, J.M.L., Tsang, A.S.Y., & Chan, K.L. (2022). Presentation at the American Education Research Association (AERA) Conference on Reimagining Teacher Education through Design Thinking: A Mixed-methods Analysis, Virtual conference, 21-26 April 2022.

The study reported in this paper examines an under-researched aspect of design thinking (DT) in teacher education. While DT has popularized for responding to the needs of 21st century teaching and learning, there have been very few attempts to gauge the voices of teachers as non-designers and how they master the related knowledge, skills, and attitudes of DT. To illustrate this, Retna (2016) notes that very limited empirical evidence has navigated teachers’ voices throughout the implementation process and endeavored to respond to this gap. There is also a wider issue here about how teacher education institutes prepare for a 21st century teaching force that can respond to uncertainties and with this in mind the current paper draws on the voices of 24 pre-service teachers at a leading university in Asia. Through understanding this important learning process of facilitating DT workshops we hope to show how pre-service teachers, as non-designers confront the challenges and show development in the important mindsets associated with DT. There is a lack of attention invested in such process (Diefenthaler et al, 2017) and the current paper seeks to better understand it.

[只提供英文版] Chow, J.M.L., Tsang, A.S.Y., Chan, K.L., Kwok, K.H.R., & Harfitt, G.J, (2021). Presentation at the American Education Research Association (AERA) Conference on Experiential Education in Action: Improving Learning Outcomes for All through Design Thinking, Virtual conference, 9-12 April 2021.

Adolescents’ classroom experiences have a long-term impact on their future education and life chances (Kramer, 1991). Long have achievement gaps among students been recognized, so it is crucial to explore different instructional strategies that can improve learning outcomes for all (Okoye-Johnson, 2011). Design thinking has been widely applied in business settings and a growing trend has been observed in the K12 classroom as well. Yet, little is known on the effects of such application on different learning outcomes (Razzouk & Shute, 2012). In responding to this gap, the current study stems from the second year of a 3-year project that offers subjectbased design thinking workshops to secondary schools in Hong Kong. Adopting a mixedmethods approach, this study aims to unpack the learning experiences of students engaged in this innovative curriculum initiative with depth and breadth. Findings inform policymakers and fieldwork practitioners who seek to nurture students for the 21st century.

[只提供英文版] Tsang, A. S. Y., Chan, K.L., & Chow, J. M. L. (2021) Presentation at International Symposium and Expo on Service-Learning & Socially Responsible Global Citizenship 2021. Developing 21st Century Competencies in Pre-service and In-service Teachers through Design Thinking: A Cross-university Approach, 9-10 July 2021.

Design thinking (DT) is a human-centric, iterative and interactive problem-solving process that captures how designers innovate and problem-solve. Such important skill set has become one of the most crucial skill set in the knowledge society of the twenty-first century (OECD, 2015). Thus, DT has been widely applied in business education and social innovation, and a similar trend has also been observed in the field of education (Carroll et al, 2010) and yet, there is a paucity of study that try to understand the important learning outcomes of such application (Taheri et al, 2016) and to empower teachers to adopt DT as a pedagogy (Panke, 2019). This presentation highlights a cross-university collaboration on nurturing 21st century skills in pre-service, in-service teachers and students with an experiential learning process through DT workshops.

「 十萬分一」社創討論會第4季:跨代共融遊樂空間共創工作坊及研討會


JCDISI 「社創行動項目」過渡性社會房屋


《利用組裝合成建築法 (MiC) 興建香港過渡性房屋》研究報告


陸永康、唐耀南、李景祺等人 (2020) 組裝合成建築法的可移動房屋– CNERC 進度報告


孫羿,淩嘉勤. 城市空間易行性及其對老年友好城市建設的啟示:以香港為例 [J] 國家城市規劃. 2020.v35(1):47


凌嘉勤 、李雅筠 ,「雙智慧」應對「雙老化」(2019) 香港規劃師學會期刊, v33 4-20


凌嘉勤 (2019) 增加社福用地及處所供應的可能進, 香港規劃師學會期刊 2019, v33:52-57


陸永康 (2019), 香港垂直居所的適老設計指引,《南方建築》華南理工大學建築學院期刊2019, v190(2):13-18

全球各地面對急劇的人口老齡化現象,均積極地提出及進行相應的適老居住環境改善計畫,目的是提供一個安全暢達的生活環境,讓老人能獨立及自主地、在原住社區內安居頤年。過去二十多年,不同的國家包括英、美、加、澳、新等,已開始訂立及實行有關的建築法例或標準,一般以通用設計(Universal Design) 為基礎原則,同時建議較高水準的最佳實踐(Best Practice),作為更具指導性的行業指引。與此同時,腦退化症患病率的普遍性亦急劇上升。環境心理科學亦開始探討相應的循證設計原則(Evidence Based Design),如腦退化設計(Design for Dementia),以緩解患者生活上的障礙、穩定甚至有助改善證狀。故此,適老環境設計有必要在現有的知識基礎上,有系統地融匯循證設計原則,並配合香港本身地區性的特質,即高密度垂直城市的居住模式,整合為一整體的人境全息設計指引,積極應對香港面臨的城市及人口“雙老化”嚴峻挑戰。

向立群、陸永康 (2019) 香港無障礙環境建設 淩亢,孫友然,白先春編.《殘疾人藍皮書:中國殘疾人事業發展報告(2019):無障礙環境建設》北京:社會科學文獻出版社 (B17:356-377)

本文從國際社會對於“殘疾”定義的轉變出發,首先梳理了“傷健共融”、“無障礙設計”、“通用設計” 理論在香港地區的發展情況;其次從政策法規、資金投入、多方配合的角度,闡述了香港無障礙環境建設的推動機制,進而介紹了香港地區在垂直居所、公共區域、旅遊景點方面的無障礙環境建設實踐成果;最後探討了該地區的經驗在理念、推進機制及建設方案方面,為中國內地城市相關設施及環境建設帶來的啟示與借鑒。

三城記 (駐院思想家2015 夏鑄九教授)


活出時代的矛盾 (駐院思想家2014 陳冠中)


對對談 (駐院思想家2013 田邁修教授)

Edinburgh Napier大學名譽教授Matthew TURNER教授在港多年,見證了這座城市的轉型。他無疑是個有趣和見識廣博的人物,適合為香港設想未來。在這本《對對談》中,探討了兩個相關的問題,即「什麼是社會創新?」和「社會創新是什麼意思,對香港意味著什麼?」。


