Terms And Conditions

主辦機構 Organizer

  1. 《80日快拍「80」》攝影比賽 (下稱「比賽」) 由香港理工大學 (下稱「理大」)主辦。
    ‘Snapshot “80” in 80 days’ photo competition (hereafter “Competition”) is hosted by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (hereafter “PolyU”).
  2. 參賽者一旦參與比賽, 即代表同意本文所載之條款及細則。當理大發現參賽者違反任何所述規則,將有權取消其參賽/得獎資格。
    By joining the Competition, participants will be deemed to be bound by the Terms and Conditions contained hereinafter and PolyU reserves the right to exclude any entry from the Competition at any time if a participant has breached the rules.

參賽資格 Eligibility

  1. 歡迎理大學生、職員、校友及公眾人士參加比賽。
    The Competition is open to everyone including PolyU students, staff, alumni and the general public.
  2. 惟理大80周年校慶籌備委員會及評審團成員均不得參加是次比賽,以示公正。
    However, members of the PolyU 80th Anniversary Organizing Committee as well as the judging panel are not eligible to join the Competition.
  3. 理大保留對參賽者資格的最終決定權。
    PolyU has the final decision on the eligibility of the participants.

比賽日期 Competition Period

  1. 「最佳相片」比賽日期於2017年2月13日至5月3日 (香港時間,包括首尾兩天) 期間進行。「最受歡迎相片」及「最佳生日祝福語」比賽日期於2017年5月12日至 21日 (香港時間,包括首尾兩天) 期間進行。提交作品時間以伺服器所收到作品之時間作準,逾時提交作品將不獲受理。
    The “Best Photos” competition will only accept entries submitted from 13 February to 3 May 2017 (both days inclusive, Hong Kong time). The “Most Popular Photo” and “Best Birthday Wishes” competitions will only accept entries submitted from 12 – 21 May 2017 (both days inclusive, Hong Kong time). The entry submission time will be based on the server’s record. Late submission will not be accepted.

參賽須知 Notes to Participants

  1. 參賽者須於比賽期間將個人的Instagram 或Twitter 的帳戶設定為公開,直至「最受歡迎相片」得獎公佈日,即2017年5月31日。
    Participants are required to set their Instagram or Twitter profile as public during the Competition period and until 31 May 2017, the winners announcement date of Most Popular Photo.
  2. 活動於社交平台Facebook, Instagram, Twitter 及Flockler進行。「最佳相片」及「最受歡迎相片」參加者必須是Instagram或Twitter用戶,「最佳生日祝福語」參加者必須是Facebook用戶。
    The Competition is staged on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Flockler. Participants for “Best Photos” and “Most Popular Photo” competitions should hold an Instagram or a Twitter account; whereas for “Best Birthday Wishes” competition, participants should have a Facebook account.
  3. 參賽者須拍攝與「80」有關的影像或圖案的相片,標籤 #PolyU80,連同相片上載至個人的 Instagram 或 Twitter 帳戶。
    Participants are required to take a photo of an image or a pattern related to “80”, and then upload the photo with #PolyU80 on his/her personal Instagram or Twitter account.
  4. 參賽者可遞交的作品數量不限,惟必須遞交原創並未經發佈的相片,並為作品之唯一版權持有人。
    Participants may submit as many entries as they wish. Submitted photos must be the original work of the participant and must not have been previously published. The participant must be the sole owner of the copyright in the photo entries entered.
  5. 理大將選出80張「最佳相片」,而獲選的80張相片將自動入圍「最受歡迎相片」比賽。
    80 “Best Photos” will be shortlisted by PolyU. The winning photos will automatically enter the “Most Popular Photo” competition.
  6. 「最受歡迎相片」比賽將於理大Facebook 專頁進行,投票者須為Facebook用戶。投票日期為2017年5月12日至21日。每位投票者可投選多於一張喜愛相片,但只可投選同一張相片一次。投票者亦歡迎於「香港理工大學」 Facebook 專頁 《Snapshot ‘80’ in 80 Days》相冊中留言,分享對理大80周年校慶的生日祝願。 20 個最具創意的生日祝願將被選為「最佳生日祝福語」 。
    The “Most Popular Photo” competition will be staged on PolyU Facebook page from 12 – 21 May 2017. Voting is open to everyone with a Facebook account. Each voter can vote for more than one photo but only vote for the same photo once. Voters are required to indicate their choice(s) of favorite photo in the comment box of “Snapshot ‘80’ in 80 Days” album on the PolyU Facebook page. Voters are also welcome to offer their birthday wishes to PolyU’s 80th anniversary. 20 creative birthday wishes will be selected as the “Best Birthday Wishes”.
  7. 參賽者一經參與比賽,即表示同意理大有權將其Instagram、Twitter或Facebook用戶名稱、作品及留言用於理大的:(i)印刷刊物 (ii)網上刊物及 (iii)其他宣傳媒體活動。
    By joining the Competition, participants agree to accept that PolyU has the right to display or publish their Instagram, Twitter or Facebook account names, submitted photos and messages for the Competition in/on the University’s: (i) printed publications; (ii) online publications; and (iii) any other promotional channels.
  8. 理大將以參賽作品的美感、創意及原創性作為評審準則 。
    The criteria adopted in determining the winning photos will be the aesthetic quality, creativity and originality of the photos.
  9. 任何因電腦故障、網絡等技術問題而引致參賽者未能準時提交參賽作品,或有遺失、錯誤、無法辨識等情況,理大不會承擔任何責任。經網絡的送遞證明亦不可視作成功傳送參賽作品的證明。
    PolyU accepts no responsibility for any data submission delay, lost, error, non-recognizing etc. situations due to computer, network and other technical issues. The proof of dispatch cannot be accepted as proof of delivery or successful transmission of the entry.
  10. 參賽者須確保上載作品不涉及粗言穢語及任何渲染色情暴力的內容,或侵犯或違反任何版權或商標權利。理大保留刪除相關內容及取消任何違反以上條款之參加者的參加/得獎資格及採取法律追究行動之權利,並不會就有關侵權行為負上任何責任。
    Participants have to ensure that the submitted entries do not contain abusive language, or content related to sex and violence, infringe or violate any copyright or trademark rights, or violate the intellectual property undelegated copyrighted materials. Failure to comply will result in the submission not being valid for entry. PolyU reserves the right to delete the related content, remove the eligibility of any participants who have violated any of the above guidelines as well as the right to take legal actions. PolyU will not hold any responsibility for such infringing acts.

獎項及獎品 Prizes and Awards

  1. 最受歡迎相片(1 名):唯港薈雙人住宿及晚餐 (天外天)
    Most Popular Photo (1 winner): One night accommodation and dinner (Above & Beyond) for two at Hotel ICON
  2. 最佳相片 (80名):唯港薈 300元餐飲禮券及理大80周年紀念品一份
    Best Photos (80 winners): HK$300 dining voucher of Hotel ICON and a PolyU 80th anniversary souvenir
  3. 最佳生日祝福語 (20 名) :唯港薈 200元餐飲禮券及理大80周年紀念品一份
    Best Birthday Wishes (20 winners): HK$200 dining voucher of Hotel ICON and a PolyU 80th anniversary souvenir
    • 理大送出之獎品均不可轉讓、不可兌換現金或其他貨品/服務。
      Prizes given out by PolyU are non-transferable and winners cannot refund or exchange the prize for cash or other service(s).
    • 得獎者須親身或授權他人領取獎品。
      Winners can collect the prizes in person or authorize a delegate to claim the prize on his/her behalf.
  4. 「最佳相片」、「最受歡迎相片」及「最佳生日祝福語」之得獎者須透過Instagram、Twitter或Facebook私信提供身份證明文件上的姓名、電話號碼及電郵地址,作通知領獎詳情及核對身份用途。得獎者須確保所提供的個人資料正確無誤。
    Winners of “Best Photos”, “Most Popular Photo” and “Best Birthday Wishes” will be required to provide their names (as stated on their identification documents), phone numbers and email addresses via Inbox Message of Instagram, Twitter or Facebook. Personal information collected will only be used for contacting winners for prize redemption and identity authentication purposes. Winners should ensure all the information given is true and correct.

結果公布 Results Announcement

  1. 所有獎項的得獎獎名單將於本網站及理大Facebook專頁公布。得獎者將獲專人以電郵個別通知。各獎項公布日期如下:
    The winning results will be announced on this website and PolyU Facebook page. Winners will also be notified by email individually. Announcement dates of the awards are as follows:
    • 最佳相片:2017年5月11日
      Best Photos: 11 May 2017
    • 最受歡迎相片:2017年5月底
      Most Popular Photo: Late May 2017
    • 最佳生日祝福語:2017年5月底
      Best Birthday Wishes: Late May 2017

其他 Others

  1. 是次比賽並非由Instagram、Twitter、Facebook或 Flockler贊助、支持或管理 。參加者乃向理大而非Instagram、Twitter、Facebook或Flockler提供個人資料。
    Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Flockler are not involved in terms of sponsorship, endorsement or administration of the Competition. Participants are providing their personal information to PolyU but not to Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or Flockler.
  2. 參賽者對於是次比賽及評審的決定均不得異議。如有任何爭議,理大保留最終決定權 。
    Decision made by the panel of judges shall be final. In case of any dispute, PolyU reserves the final decision.
  3. 本條款與細則的中、英文本如有任何歧義,概以英文本為準。
    In case of any inconsistency between the English and Chinese versions of these terms and conditions, the English version shall prevail.