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Journal Papers

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Huanyang Zhang, Xuhong Zhou, Ke Ke, Michael C. H. Yam, Yu Shi and Haibin Zhang (2023) “Hybrid Self-Centering Connection Employing Energy Dissipation Sequences: Experimental Study and a Structural Seismic Demand Perspective”. Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 149, No. 11, September, 04023157. BBVW

Yuchen Song, Mingyuan Zhang, Ke Ke, Michael C.H. Yam and Xue-Mei Lin (2023) “Behavior and design of gusset plates in steel structures: A state-of-the-art review” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 211, December, 108188. BBVW

Lu Deng, Min Zhu, Michael C.H. Yam, Ke Ke, Zhongfa Zhou and Zhonghua Liu (2023). “Ductility demands of steel frames equipped with self-centring fuses under near-fault earthquake motions considering multiple yielding stages”. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, Vol. 86, No. 5, June, pp 589-605. BBVW

Yuchen Song, Jie Li, Michael C.H. Yam and Yiyi Chen (2023) “A nonlinear fibre beam-column model for partially encased composite columns incorporating local buckling effect” Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 68, June, 106211. BBVW

Ke Ke, Michael C.H. Yam, Ping Zhang, Yu Shi, Yong Li and Sijia Liu (2023) “Self-centring damper with multi-energy-dissipation mechanisms: Insights and structural seismic demand perspective” Journal of Constructional Steel Research, Vol. 204, May, 107837. BBVW

Yan-Wen Li, Guo-Qiang Li, Lei Xiao, Michael C.H. Yam and Jing-Zhou Zhang (2023) “Shear resistance of corrugated web steel beams with circular web openings: Test and machine learning-based prediction” Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 47, No.1, March, pp 103-117. BBVW

Junjie Wang, Ke Ke, Michael C.H. Yam, Minghong Teng and Wei Wang (2023) “Improving structural robustness of steel frame buildings by enhancing floor deck connections” Journal of Constructional Steel Research. Vol. 204, May, 107842. BBVW

Zeyu Zhou, Yiyi Chen, Michael C.H. Yam, Ke Ke and Xiuzhang He (2023) “Experimental investigation of a high strength steel frame with curved knee braces subjected to extreme earthquakes” Thin-Walled Structures, Vol. 185, April, 110596. BBVW

Xuhong Zhou, Yongchao Tan, Ke Ke, Michael C.H. Yam, Huanyang Zhang and Jinyong Xu (2023) “An experimental and numerical study of brace-type long double C-section steel slit dampers” Journal of Building Engineering, Vol. 64, April, 105555. BBVW

Xue-Mei Lin, Michael C.H. Yam, Ke Ke, Binhui Jiang and Qun He (2023) “A re-examination of the current design rule for staggered bolted connections” Steel and Composite Structures, Vol. 46, No. 3, February, pp 403-416. 1-BBYQ

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  • Address: Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Steel Construction (Hong Kong Branch) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Phase 8, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
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