National Award for Excellence in Innovation
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers "The HKIE Grand Award 2023" Grand Prize on Innovative Application
China Steel Construction Society "The CSCS Science and Technology Awards 2022" Grand Award
Construction Industry Council (CIC) “CIC Construction Innovation Award 2022” Merit Award
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Structural Division) “Structural Excellence Awards” Commendation Merit Award
Guangdong Provincial Society of Steel Construction “Guangdong Province Steel Structures Scienceand Technology Award” Grand Award
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Structural Division) “Structural Excellence Awards” Commendation Merit Award
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (Structural Division) “Structural Excellence Awards” Commendation Merit Award
Contact Us
- Address: Chinese National Engineering Research Centre for Steel Construction (Hong Kong Branch) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Phase 8, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
- +852 3400 8451
- cnerc.steel@polyu.edu.hk