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Distinguished Lectures on Chinese Culture and Religion (4)

Focusing on tensions and links between national formation and international outlooks, this talk shows how classical world visions persist as China’s modernizers and revolutionaries adopted and revised the Western nation-state and cosmopolitanism. The concepts of tianxia (all under heaven) and datong (great harmony) have been updated into outlooks of global harmony that value unity, equality, and reciprocity as strategies of overcoming interstate conflict, national divides, and social fragmentation. The talk will delve into two debates: the embrace of the West vs. aspirations for a common world, and the difference between liberal cosmopolitanism and socialist internationalism.



Distinguished Lectures on Chinese Culture and Religion (3)

Abstract (based on the abstract of Chapter 1) In this CIHK webinar, we will discuss the material conditions of and historical background to the use of Classical Chinese or Literary Sinitic in writing-mediated brush conversation between literati of Sinitic engaged in cross-border communication within Sinographic East Asia or the Sinographic cosmopolis, which corresponds with today’s China, North Korea, South Korea, Japan (including Okinawa, formerly the Ryukyu Kingdom) and Vietnam. Compared with speech as a modality of communication, real-time writing-mediated interaction between talking humans, synchronously face-to-face, seems uncommon. In any society, speaking is premised on one condition: the interlocutors must have at least one shared spoken language at their disposal, but even then, there are circumstances under which speaking is either physically not feasible or socially inappropriate. Could writing function as an alternative modality of communication when speaking is not an option due to the absence of a shared spoken language, as in cross-border communication settings? Whereas real-time writing-mediated face-to-face interaction is rare where a regional lingua franca was known to exist (e.g., Latin and Arabic), there is ample historical evidence of literati of Classical Chinese or Literary Sinitic from different parts of Sinographic East Asia conducting ‘silent conversation’, synchronously and interactively in writing mode using brush, ink, and paper. Such a pattern of writing-assisted interaction is still practiced and observable in pen-assisted conversation – pen-talk – between Chinese and Japanese speakers today, thanks to the pragma-linguistic affordance of morphographic, non-phonographic sinograms (i.e., Chinese characters and Japanese kanji). We will outline the historical spread of Classical Chinese or Sinitic texts from the ‘center’ to the ‘peripheries’, and the historical background to the acquisition of literacy in Sinitic by the people there. Their shared knowledge of Sinitic helps explain why, for well over a thousand years until the 1900s, literati from these places were able to speak their mind by engaging in ‘Sinitic brush-talk’ 漢文筆談 in cross-border communication.



中國文化與宗教專家學者講論系列 (五)



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中國文化與宗教專家學者講論系列 (四)

內容簡介: 清末民初由文言到白話的文學語言轉型,對中國女性的“發聲”產生了深遠的影響。本次講座將從晚清白話報的白話書寫、女子教科書的流變、性別觀念的生成三個方面展開,結合不同歷史階段的女子教育和社會風俗,考察詞彙、語法和作文觀念的變遷如何改變了女性表達和國人的性別認知。


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中國文化與宗教專家學者講論系列 (三)

內容簡介: 清末民初由文言到白話的文學語言轉型,對中國女性的“發聲”產生了深遠的影響。本次講座將從晚清白話報的白話書寫、女子教科書的流變、性別觀念的生成三個方面展開,結合不同歷史階段的女子教育和社會風俗,考察詞彙、語法和作文觀念的變遷如何改變了女性表達和國人的性別認知。


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中國文化與宗教專家學者講論系列 (二)

Abstract The Islamic World, the regions where Muslim communities form the majority, stretches from Southeast Asia to North Africa, encompassing a large number of nations and cultures which have been shaped variously by the one faith they share. This is particularly evident in their music: on the one hand, there is a significant controversy surrounding the permissibility of music in Islam, leading some communities to ban music and musical instruments; yet, at the same time, there are many practices in Islam, such as the call to prayer and the recitation of the Qur’an, that have an undeniably musical quality even though they are not nominally called ‘music’; furthermore, we know that most Muslim communities have their own hugely popular musical traditions that animate different public and private occasions, some of which have even attracted a global following for the spirituality that many perceive in them.   In this lecture, we shall explore the idea of ‘Music in the Islamic World’ through understanding the status of music in Islam, surveying music traditions & instruments in different parts of the Islamic world, and exploring their connections and specificities in terms of both the musical contents as well as the social context where music is made. Audio-visual examples will be supplanted by live performance of musical instruments from the Middle East and Central Asia.


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中國文化與宗教專家學者講論系列 (一)

內容簡介: 本演講的出發點是《西廂記》在法國的傳播與接受,從儒蓮、巴贊的戲曲翻譯談起,說明《西廂記》故事如何被十九世紀的歐陸漢學家理解,進而創發出風貌各異的紅娘、鶯鶯與張生等角色類型。本演講也將觸及晚清民初在法國的外交官、留學生,說明他們如何譯介或改編《西廂記》,並與法國文學界激盪出不同模式的文化交流。由此延伸出的議題是熊式一、夏志清等身處英美國家的華人學者,淺析他們如何將《西廂記》置放於知識傳播的脈絡下,讓《西廂記》在二十世紀成為西方讀者認識中國戲曲的重要媒介之一。


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Distinguished Lectures on Chinese Culture and Religion (2)

內容簡介: 作為宋遼夏金時期的一個王朝,西夏歷史文化有突出的特色,同時與中原文化有著內在的、緊密的聯繫。西夏參照漢字創制了民族文字西夏文,形成了很多文獻;吸納儒學,尊孔子為文宣帝;提倡漢學,實行科舉,培養人才;借鑒中原王朝法律,編纂法典,保存了最早的少數民族文字《律令》,豐富中華法系;接受中原社會習俗,存留下大批珍貴社會文書;弘揚中原印刷術,發明木活字印刷,有最早的活字印刷實物;尊崇佛教,翻譯中原大藏經,出土了數千卷佛經。西夏同時也吸收了臨近吐蕃、回鶻等民族的文化。西夏文化是中華民族優秀傳統文化的有機組成部分,對中華民族文化做出了重要貢獻。


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Distinguished Lectures on Chinese Culture and Religion (1)

內容簡介 中國戲曲源自新石器時代的巫術儀式,經歷漢代百戲、唐代戲弄和北宋雜劇,在北宋末融匯了多種形式的演出藝術、民歌、文人曲子及多種演唱文類,發展成戲曲鼻祖「南戲」。粵劇是清代地方劇種百花齊放的產品,既保留着近乎巫術儀式的《祭白虎》,也承傳着崑曲牌子、秦腔梆子、徽劇二黃、宋明南戲和元雜劇的劇目,堪稱中國戲曲的縮影。本講座概述當代香港粵劇的傳承狀況和中國戲曲的歷史面貌,從中探討粵劇如何保留和發展傳統戲曲的元素。講座將論及粵劇神功戲的演出、《祭白虎》儀式、戲班結構、行當、劇目題材、唱腔特點和傳承。



Specialist Lecture on Chinese History and Culture (9)

The Blank Exam: Crises of Student Labor and Activism in the Late Cultural Revolution Film Juelie This presentation examines the 1976 film Juelie 決裂 (“Breaking with Old Ideas”), a feature film depicting a fictional account of the founding of the Jiangxi Communist Labor University (江西共產主義勞動大學, or “Gongda” for short.) Like workers’ universities, Gongda gained prominence during the Cultural Revolution for its experimental approach to disrupting the divisions of labor that reproduced inequality. First established in 1958, Gongda was founded with the goal of producing new socialist workers. Its students were taught through a curriculum of “part-work, part-study,” and because it was registered as both a university and a production unit, the university supported its operations through the sale of products from its farms and factories.  Through explicit references to the historic role students had played in the Cultural Revolution, the fictional university students of Juelie combined mental and manual labor in a transformation of the student from the elite, bespectacled urban intellectual of the May Fourth era into a diffuse, pluralistic subject position embedded within the socialist project and its productive relations. But the film also responded to the crises raised by student activism during the Cultural Revolution, and this presentation will show how the film ultimately reinscribed student subjectivity within the patriarchal and developmentalist structures of the state.


