Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Speech Therapy

Entrance Year Sept 2025
Programme Code JS3242
Mode of Study Full-time
Normal Duration
4 years
Programme Intake 106 (Combined intake for programmes JS3007 [around 11], JS3241 [around 32], JS3242 [around 15], JS3320 [around 16] and JS3240 [around 32]) (JUPAS and Non-JUPAS) (Subject to approval)
Fund Type Government-Funded
Credits Required for Graduation
132 credits (including 27 Clinical Education credits) (subject to approval)
Programme Leader(s)
Dr WONG, Min Ney (subject to approval)
PhD, BSpSc
Applicants should be able to effectively communicate verbally in both Cantonese and English. Additional proficiency in Mandarin (Putonghua) is preferred.
Students will be awarded the following degree upon successful completion of the graduation requirements:
BSc (Hons) in Speech Therapy
Contingent on successful accreditation of the programme by the Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists (HKIST), BScST graduates will be qualified to practise as speech therapists in an accredited register.
Aims and Characteristics
Programme Aims
To produce collaborative practice-ready speech therapists with the ability to practise speech therapy safely and effectively in the areas of speech, language, voice, fluency and swallowing with children and adults presenting with developmental and acquired communication disorders and swallowing disabilities.
To equip students with the professional and academic knowledge base, clinical and research skills, attitudes and ethics required to function effectively as entry-level speech therapists.
To cultivate graduates who are able to practise as speech therapists in Hong Kong and serve as speech therapy advocates in mainland China and the Macau SAR.
Programme Characteristics
The curriculum offers a unique approach to education and training in Cantonese, Mandarin and English, addressing speech therapy in both Chinese and bilingual contexts. A hybrid teaching and learning approach is adopted: traditional lectures are conducted in the first year, and the problem-based learning (PBL) approach is adopted in the second year.
The curriculum offers over 300 hours of supervised clinical practicum.
The curriculum of this undergraduate programme builds on the success of our self-financed Master of Speech Therapy programme, with added emphases on interdisciplinary approaches to rehabilitation and evidence-based practice underpinned by the latest research conducted at CBS.
The teaching team is composed of academic and teaching staff with considerable teaching experience, proven research track records and extensive clinical expertise.
Accreditation for the programme will be sought from the Hong Kong Institute of Speech Therapists (HKIST), the local professional body responsible for regulating the speech therapy profession and conducting Institution-based Assessment for Speech Therapy Education Programmes in Hong Kong under the Accredited Registers Scheme for Healthcare Professions, Department of Health, Hong Kong.
Medium of Instruction
English (supplemented by Cantonese and Mandarin for Cantonese-speaking and Mandarin-speaking clients in clinical placements)
All admitted students will embark on a Common Year One curriculum. Towards the end of year one, students can decide whether to continue with their initial choice or switch to another choice within the Faculty. Those who wish to change to another choice need to join a competitive process through a ranking assessment, which considers a combination of entrance qualification score, Year One GPA, and interview performance.