Chinese Linguistics MACL

Entrance Year Sept 2025
Programme Code 72017
Stream Code
CLF (Full-time)
CLP (Part-time)
Mode of Study Mixed Mode
Normal Duration
1 or 1.5 years (Full-time)
3 years (Part-time)
Fund Type Self-Financed
Credits Required for Graduation
Initial Registration Credits
Local Application Deadline 30 Apr 2025
Non-Local Application Deadline 30 Apr 2025
Tuition Fees
HK$6,500 per credit (Note: No credit fee will be charged for the 1-credit subject “CBS5T01 Professional Ethics and Academic Integrity”.)
Programme Leader(s)
Dr Tao Ran
This programme is offered on both full-time and part-time bases to give students maximum flexibility to engage in full-time or part-time study loads. Under normal circumstances, full-time and part-time students are able to complete the programme within 1 or 1.5 years and 3 years respectively. Students who wish to extend their studies beyond normal duration can submit such request to the Department for consideration.
Applicants are required to choose either full-time or part-time study on application for admission to the programme. Students who study full-time are required to take a minimum of 9 credits per semester.
This programme is offered within the Master of Arts Scheme in Chinese, Linguistics and Translation.
Notes to Applicants
Applications can be made to our postgraduate programmes without any agency service. Applicants are required to apply online via the Study@PolyU website:
Please note that all fields in the application forms should be filled. We will not consider applications that do not provide details of academic qualifications.
Aims and Characteristics
Programme Aims
This is an advanced programme of intellectual training in modern Chinese linguistics that is geared to Hong Kong society with relevance to various professions.
The programme aims to convey a rigorous body of up-to-date knowledge in linguistics, and strives to link that knowledge to the natural language situation in Hong Kong. More specifically, the programme facilitates linguistic insights that are related to the use of Chinese in Hong Kong, to sensitise students to the theoretical implications of the practical linguistic problems that are faced by professional users of Chinese in Hong Kong, and to enhance their abilities to approach and solve such language-related problems from a background of expert knowledge.