PhD or MPhil Study

CBS's postgraduate degree programme leads to a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) or Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree. The programme aims to provide rigorous training to students who aspire to become researchers or scholars capable of conducting original research independently, and to produce research findings that are significant within their fields of specialization. Our research students will be equipped with the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to conceptualize and carry out an original, substantive, empirically grounded and rigorous piece of investigative work.
The major research areas available at CBS are as follows:
Applied linguistics, including Bilingualism, Corporate Communication, Language Assessment, and Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language
Comparative discourse studies, glocalisation and multilingual media communication in Greater China
Contrastive approaches to foreign language learning, learner tools creation & evaluation, intercultural mediation
Language and communication studies, including corporate communication theories, strategies and processes, with special reference to Greater China (兩岸四地)
Language policy and language planning, sociolinguistic issues of multilingualism, bilingual interaction, bilingual education and instructed second language learning, interlanguage, cross-linguistic influence
Multilingualism, language learning and use in multilingual societies, plurilingual language development, Chinese pedagogical grammar, contrastive grammar of Chinese and other languages
Chinese and East Asian Linguistics
Cantonese linguistics/grammar, Chinese dialect studies, language and society in Greater China, history of the Chinese language
Chinese language curriculum, pedagogy and assessment
Chinese language education, teaching Chinese for specific purposes
Chinese lexical semantics, metaphors and linguistic ontology
Chinese morphology, syntax and pragmatics
Chinese phonetics and phonology
Japanese linguistics and Korean linguistics, including but not limited to: second/foreign language learning by advanced learners of Japanese/Korean, comparative linguistics, discourse analysis, language typology, profiling of registers, systemic functional linguistic theory and description
Sinographic orthography and Chinese lexicology
Varieties of Chinese, language contact and language change, linguistic variation
Computational and Corpus Linguistics
Chinese language processing, language resources, crowdsourcing
Computational lexical semantics, ontology-lexicon interface, computer-assisted language learning, machine translation and machine-assisted translation, computer processing of non-literal meaning, including irony, metaphor, sarcasm, and synaesthesia, digital humanities featuring the use of NLP technologies in the humanities
Corpus-based approaches to linguistics and linguistic theories in language technology
Speech and multimedia corpus design and research
Neuro-cognitive Studies of Language and Clinical Linguistics
Development, morphological awareness and reading development
Developmental dyslexia: diagnosis, assessment and treatment, reading and writing development, profiling of syntactic development
Language acquisition and psycholinguistics, second language acquisition (SLA), reading acquisition and development
Neurolinguistics (ERP, fMRI), psycholinguistics, speech production and perception, speech motor control of lexical tones, tonal perception and production, perception of tones by people with amusia, neuro-cognitive studies of bilingualism, conversation and other linguistic acts
Translation and Interpreting Studies
Interpreting studies: assessment of interpreting quality, perception of interpreting performance, pedagogy of interpreting, court interpreting, community interpreting, simultaneous interpreting, and corpus-based interpreting studies
Theories of translation, empirical studies of translation, neuro-cognitive approaches to translation studies
Important Notes:
Admission requirements and the application procedure may be found in the e-prospectus.