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The HKIE Scholarship 201920

Miss TONG Cheuk Ying (18058385D) was selected by the Donor to receive the above Scholarship. Here is the video to illustrate her involvement in the HKIE activities in the past year.



Speckle-Based Optical Cryptosystem and its Application for Human Face Recognition via Deep Learning from Dr. Puxiang Lai

Publication information: Speckle-Based Optical Cryptosystem and its Application for Human Face Recognition via Deep Learning Qi Zhao, Huanhao Li, Zhipeng Yu, Chi Man Woo, Tianting Zhong, Shengfu Cheng, Yuanjin Zheng, Honglin Liu, Jie Tian*, Puxiang Lai* Advanced Science DOI: 10.1002/advs.202202407   香港理工大學賴溥祥課題組提出了一種基於光學散斑的加密系統,並展示了其在加密人臉識別中的應用:系統的加密部分使用毛玻璃作為物理密鑰(等效密鑰長度為17.2 Gigabit),以光速將人臉圖像加密為隨機光學散斑;系統的解密部分使用神經網絡,將散斑還原成人臉圖像後進行人臉識別。加密人臉識別準確度高達98%。 Details: 


TONG Cheuk Ying

The HKIE Scholarship

We are pleased to announce that the HKIE Scholarship was presented to TONG Cheuk Ying  on 11 June 2022 at the HKIE Prize Presentation Ceremony cum New Members Reception.     More Details :


logo for RISports

Establishment of the Research Institute for Sports Science and Technology

To facilitate high-impact research through cross-disciplinary collaborations in the domain of sports, the Research Institute for Sports Science and Technology (RISports) 體育科技研究院 will be established as a constituent research unit of the PolyU Academy for Interdisciplinary Research (PAIR) on 1 June 2022. Prof. Zhang Ming, Head and Chair Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering will be appointed Director of RISports. All research units under PAIR will conduct both basic and applied research, and engage in KT activities by working closely with business, industry and governments in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area and beyond. 



Dr Li Ning visited the Human Locomotion Laboratory

Dr. Li Ning, the Chinese retired gymnast and billionaire entrepreneur visited our Human Locomotion Laboratory on 5 May 2022 (Thur) to learn more about our current researches and development for sports biomechanics. 



关于《2021年度北京市科学技术奖》拟提名公示 根据 《关于启动2021年度北京市科学技术奖提名工作的通知》的通知要求,现对我单位拟作为共同申报单位的项目情况进行公示。公示期限:2022年4月25日-2022年5月1日(7个自然日)。公式期间,如有异议,请以书面方式向香港理工大学生物医学工程学系反映,并提供必要的证据材料。提出异议者请提供联系电话等有效联系方式。 具体公示项目名称:《假肢矫形器关键技术创新与应用》 项目详细情况见附件。   北京市科技成果奖公示-项目详细情况   联系人:陈小姐 联系电话:852-2766-7661 联系电邮 香港理工大学           2022年4月25日    


thoams COVID

PolyU develops portable nucleic acid testing device for COVID-19 to enable fast and accurate results on-site

Over the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has imposed a tremendous impact on society as well as on the daily lives of individuals. In the “post-pandemic” era, it is important to strengthen efforts in research and development of drug and vaccine, while also continuing to uphold high standards of personal and environmental hygiene management. Therefore, an accurate and convenient COVID-19 testing method could certainly help ease the stress of post-pandemic life.


2nd round MOOC

The second run of self-paced MOOC on Interdisciplinary Innovations for Population Ageing

Population ageing is a global phenomenon profoundly affecting the well-being of communities. Disciplines such as Social Sciences, Design, and Engineering offer unique, insightful innovations for ageing societies. Along with providing solutions catering to their professional niche, these disciplines achieve creative and practical innovations through interdisciplinary collaboration. This course intends to explore and examine the process of incubating innovations in these three disciplines and help the learners to appreciate the synergy created when working toward innovations by adopting an interdisciplinary approach.    Welcome to the world of active ageing! The second run of the course has already started on 1 Apr, 2022. Learn more about this course and get enroll by checking the links below.   Register NOW, and get your 100% off coupon by contacting us at (50 coupons are available on a first-come, first-serve basis)   Second Run of the MOOC will last from 1 Apr to 31 Aug, 2022 (Due date for enrollment and upgrade: 27 May 2022, HKT 12:00 p.m.)   Course Enrollment:   Course Trailer:



Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Biomedical Engineering

We are pleased to present the “Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Biomedical Engineering 2022” to two distinguished graduates in recognition of their Professional Achievement and significant contributions to the Department, PolyU and the community. Their remarkable achievements and valuable contributions have earned them the well-deserved honour. Congratulations to the following awardees!   “Outstanding Alumni Award in Professional Achievement of PolyU, Department of Biomedical Engineering” Mr. WONG Kai Yuen, Billy  Master of Science in Health Care (Healthcare Technology) / 2008 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University   “Outstanding Young Alumni Award in Professional Achievement of PolyU, Department of Biomedical Engineering” Ir. LEUNG Cristina  Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering / 2007 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University  


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Dr Youhua TAN and Dr Chunyi WEN received the Faculty of Engineering (FENG) Research Grant Achievement Award for 2020

We are proud to announce that our Professors, Dr. Chunyi Wen & Dr. Youhua Tan received the Faculty of Engineering (FENG) Research Grant Achievement Award for 2020 in recognition of their great efforts and contributions in securing external competitive research grants. All of them have led and participated in a number of multidisciplinary research projects in recent years. We have conducted an interview to let you know more about their achievements and research.  Dr. Chunyi Wen “During the tough period in COVID-19, you should never give up pursuing your dream in science advances and technical innovations. Now we can see the light at the other end of the tunnel to get through this pandemic. Meanwhile, we shall prepare and equip ourselves with knowledge and capability to battle for the next disaster and pandemic in near future.” Dr. Chunyi Wen Associate professor Department of Biomedical Engineering   Q: Dr. Wen, congratulations on your achievements in the research field and outstanding performance in securing research grants. Could you tell us your feelings about applying for these funds, is it tough? A: The research grant application is highly competitive in Hong Kong. We are so lucky to receive the support from RGC, HMRF and ITF. It is our honor but also our responsibility to deliver what we have proposed. Q: To let our students know more about your research field, could you please briefly introduce the research areas of your group? A: We are targeting the ageing and age-related diseases as a whole, and we chose osteoarthritis as a point of breakthrough because it occurs at the early stage of ageing and link with many other age-related diseases in late life. It might provide us a new insight to understand ageing process. Q: Could you simply share something with us that made you so interested in osteoarthritic? A: My research centers are about ageing and age-related diseases, particularly skeletal ageing including osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. What I and my team are interested in is not a single disease, osteoarthritis. We deploy cutting-edge technologies including human organoid, single-cell sequencing, live-cell imaging empowered by machine learning-empowered computing vision to probe and map ageing process, at its onset and its early stage. Q: You are also doing research related to COVID-19, what is your view on the current fifth wave of COVID-19? A: Our knowledge about COVID-19 is growing and our arsenal combating SARS-Cov-2 is enriching including vaccine and anti-virus drugs. Also, there is a growing body of interest in how to mitigate the severe cases of COVID-19. We are working on this direction together with the HKU microbiology team. Also, we are paying attention to long COVID symptoms affecting bone and joint.  Q: Finally, do you have any advice or guidance for our students? A: During the tough period in COVID, we should never give up pursuing our dream in science advances and technical innovations. Now we can see the light at the other end of the tunnel to get through this pandemic. Meanwhile, we shall prepare and equip ourselves with knowledge and capability to battle for the next disaster and pandemic in near future. Dr. Youhua Tan “I hope that all of our BME students have an inclusive mindset so that they can look at the same problem from different perspectives, such as, studying a disease from the engineering point of view. This could be one unique advantage of our BME students over others. I also wish all BME students to be healthy and optimistic during the current pandemic.” Dr. Youhua Tan Associate professor Programme Coordinator (MSc in BME) Department of Biomedical Engineering   Q: Dr. Tan, firstly, congratulations on your achievements in the research field and securing external competitive research grants. Do you have any unforgettable things in applying for the grants? A: To push the boundary of the relevant research field, all researchers are required to propose new ideas/hypotheses and explore new things, which need financial support from the funding bodies. The application of research grants in Hong Kong is always competitive, therefore we need to keep trying to apply for new research grants. So far, we have received support from RGC, NSFC, HMRF, and Shenzhen Government. Q: Could you please briefly introduce the research topics of your group? A: My research group mainly focuses on investigating the roles of mechanics in tumor metastasis, including tumor cell mechanics and malignancy, mechanically heterogeneous tumor tissue and preferential metastasis, and tumor cell stiffness for mechanotargeting. Recent advance in the mechanobiology tools has been utilized to tackle these key problems, such as atomic force microscope, tumor organoid, traction force microscope, ultrasound elastography, etc. Q: As you are the expert in mechanobiology and tumors, are you interested in studying sars-cov-2? A: Recent evidence has shown the involvement and significance of mechanics in various diseases, including cancer, aging, malaria, etc. We believe that mechanical force may also play important role in COVID. We are interested in this currently prevalent disease but have not started to investigate it yet.Q: This year (2022) will be the 10th anniversary of BME. As programme coordinator (MSc in BME), could you tell us about your expectations for the future development of BME, and some good points of our MSc programme? A: Since the nature of BME is multidisciplinary, I expect that more and more new fields and directions will emerge by combining engineering and other disciplines, especially those related to healthcare. To keep up with the pace of the new development, we have recently proposed two new specialisms into our MSc programme: Rehabilitation Engineering and Digital Health, which are pending for approval by the University. We believe the addition of these new specialisms will push the further development of our MSc programme and the department. Q: Finally, do you have any advices or guidances for our students? A: I hope that all of our BME students have an inclusive mindset so that they can look at the same problem from different perspectives, such as, studying a disease from the engineering point of view. This could be one unique advantage of our BME students over others. I also wish all BME students to be healthy and optimistic during the current pandemic. Credit to: Jun LIU (Postgraduate in Biomedical Engineering)  


