Academic Staff

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Ir Prof. Lu joined the Hong Kong Polytechnic University as an assistant professor in 2006 after working for Parsons Brinckerhoff (Asia) Ltd for 2 years, and was promoted to Professor in July 2018. As a highly cited researcher by Clarivate Analytics in Engineering and a World’s Top 2% Scientist by Stanford University in Energy, Ir Prof. Lu is a well established researcher in renewable energy and building energy engineering. Ir Prof. Lu has published 6 books/handbook chapters and over 340 SCI-cited journal papers, and her work has been financially supported by the Research Grant Council (RGC) of Hong Kong (GRF, NFSC/RGC, CRF(Co-PI), HKPDF), Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission (ITF), Hong Kong Environmental Protection Department (ECF), Hong Kong Policy Innovation and Coordination Office (PPR), Hong Kong Construction Industry Institute (CII), Dept of Science and Technology of Guangdong Province (廣東省科技廳國際合作項目), the Society of Hong Kong Scholars and the China National Postdoctoral Council (Hong Kong Scholars), Hong Kong Electrical and Mechanical Services Department (EMSD) and various industry partners including Sinopec. Ir Prof. Lu has been the recipient of prestigious awards mostly as the first awardee. Currently, she is serving local industry and profession as chairman of the Energy Institute (Hong Kong Branch) and vice president of Solar Energy Society of Hong Kong, and serving local government as The Project Management Committee (PMC) for Cleaner Production Partnership Programme, Task Force Member for Energy Management System Certification under Hong Kong Accreditation Service (HKAS) and as Working Group Member for Building Energy Code (Electrical), Building Energy Code (Energy Audit) and Building Energy Code (Lighting) under Buildings Energy Efficiency Ordinance. She is the Section Editor-in-Chief (Energy Sustainability) of International Journal of Sustainability (SCI), Section Editor for Science Progress (SCI), Associate Editor for Energy Exploration & Exploitation, Guest Editor for Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Applied Energy, Renewable Energy, and Energy. She is also sitting on the Editorial Board of several prestigious journals, including Energy, Energy and Built Environment, Energy Storage and Saving (ENSS), etc. She is/was the Guest Professor of China University of Petroleum (Huadong) and Shandong Jianzhu University (China), UM Macao Distinguished Visiting Scholar (UM Macao Talent Program) and visiting professor of Cracow University of Technology (Poland).
呂琳教授工程師,2004-2006世界頂級機電工程顧問公司柏誠(亞洲)工作,2006年加入香港理工大學,現任職教授。她在新能源和建築能源領域成績卓越,為Clarivate Analytics高被引學者(工程) 和全球前2%頂尖科學家(能源)。她同時為香港工程師學會資深會員,香港註冊專業工程師,英國屋宇設備工程師學會會員,英國能源學會會員,英國註冊工程師,能源學會香港分會會長,香港太陽能學會副會長。 公職主要包括香港清潔生產夥伴計劃 項目管理委員會(PMC)委員, 創新科技署企業支援計劃 評審委員會委員, 創新科技署香港認可處 能源管理體系認證 專案組成員,創新科技署科技創業培育計劃評審委員會委員等。呂琳教授的研究獲得香港研究資助局RGC、香港創新科技署、香港環境保護署、香港特區政府政策創新與統籌辦事處、香港機電工程署、香港房屋署、廣東省科技廳及工業界資助。呂琳教授的科研成果在本地和國際學術界、工業界、政府新能源政策製定方面貢獻傑出,尤其在建築太陽能和宇宙冷源智慧利用、建築被動式冷卻/節能技術和建築納米塗層開發的科研成果,廣獲獎項,得以工業界廣泛應用。 課題組獲獎無數,主要包括2012/2014/2019年度理大學院院長傑出研究獎(funding);2012 第40屆瑞士日內瓦發明獎銀獎;2013香港工程學會工業界創新獎優異獎;2016 第44屆瑞士日內瓦發明獎金獎和特別大獎;2016 第68屆德國紐倫堡國際發明展金獎;2017 美國TechConnect世界創新會議暨博覽會全球創新獎;2017 香港綠色創新大獎;2018年度學院傑出研究獎;2018 Clarivate Analytics高被引學者(工程);2019 理大學院院長高論文引用獎; 2019年度教育部高等學校科學研究優秀成果獎(科學技術)科學技術進步獎二等獎; 2024 第49屆瑞士日內瓦發明獎金獎; 2024年第四屆亞洲創新發明展覽會金獎等。
Research Overview
• Strategic exploitation of solar energy, offshore wind energy and the cold of deep space (2.7 K) in buildings and urban cities;
• Engineered smart nanomaterial solutions to energy-efficient building envelopes;
• Fundamentals of fluid mechanics and heat/mass transfer to enhance building energy systems.
Professional Qualifications
- Fellow of The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Hong Kong
- Registered Professional Engineer (Building Services), Hong Kong
- Chartered Engineer, Engineering Council, UK
- Member of The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers (UK)
- Member of Energy Institute (UK)