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Happy new year greetings from BSE Department Head on 1 January 2017

1 Jan 2017

Dear BSE colleagues, students and friends,

I would like to wish you a very happy new year!

I was told that that it is a tradition for the head of the department to offer a message to all members of the department for the new year. It reminded me of the Christmas message that the British Queen delivers in the UK every year in a time-honoured tradition, so I sort of liked the idea! Humour aside, I feel that this BSE tradition offers me an excellent opportunity to write to all of you as members of one large and happy family in an informal and personal manner.

It has been over four months since I joined BSE and took on the responsibility of leading it to greater heights. It is a tribute to all staff and students of department and the able leadership of Prof Chow and the previous management team that this department has been very successful in creating a brand which is highly valued and admired as any of our alumni, who form the backbone of the BSE profession in Hong Kong, will tell you.

However, success does not allow us to rest on our laurels, in fact it is quite the opposite, we must strive ever harder to maintain and further improve our standing once we have set high standards. It requires constant reflection and reevaluation of our priorities, strengths and weaknesses. This is especially true in the context of our uncertain and changing world where emerging social, environmental, demographic and infrastructural challenges will require innovative solutions through the genesis and exploitation of new and disruptive ideas and technologies.

It is therefore a serious responsibility to provide an exciting vision, astute direction and effective leadership that will build substantially upon our previous success. This will not be an easy task given the highly competitive university sector of Hong Kong and the growing competition from our regional and international peers. We will not just have to work harder but think harder and work smarter in order to deliver the highest quality teaching and research in our field. I and my management team (Prof Tang, Prof Du and Dr Lee) would be looking for your active assistance and cooperation so we can all work together as one team and lead BSE to greater future success in the year 2017 and beyond.

While you will no doubt work hard, please also try and maintain a better work-life balance this year for a happy, prosperous and successful 2017.

Best wishes,
Asif Usmani Head of Department

Happy new year greetings from BSE Department Head on 1 January 2017

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