Latest News and Achievements of APSS (Sep 2024 issue)
Dr Rodney CHU, Senior Lecturer of APSS, has been appointed to the Council of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University from 2 August 2024 to 1 August 2026.
Thank Dr CHU for his ongoing efforts in enhancing the PolyU community.
Project / Grant Award

Research Grants Council (RGC) Awards in 2024/25
Eleven colleagues have secured research funding from RGC in the 2024/25 Exercise. The total funding awarded is HK$9,069,165. Congratulations!
Details of the projects are:
APSS Receives 11 Humanities and Social Sciences Prestigious Fellowship Scheme, General Research Fund and Early Career Schemes from the Research Grants Council (RGC) in 2024/25 Exercise | Department of Applied Social Sciences (
External Grants
Several APSS colleagues have received external grants successfully. Please find the list below:
(Arranged in chronological order)
PI: Prof. Xue BAI, Professor of APSS and Director of the Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies
Co-Is: Dr Youjuan ZHANG (APSS),Dr Yi SUN (Building and Real Estate), Dr Pun Zee Pamsy HUI (Management and Marketing), Dr Ka Hei Kenneth LO (Applied Biology and Chemical Technology)
Project title: Age-friendly City Capacity Building and Recognition Programme for Different Sectors
Project period: 1 August 2024 - 31 January 2028
Funding amount: HK$ 19,858,966
Funding scheme: Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust (Donation) (All Year Round)
Project period: 1 August 2024 - 31 January 2028
Project summary: In order to effectively cater to the silver market and enhance the well-being and quality of life of older adults, implementation of age-friendly business (AFB) practices is crucial. The project's key objectives are to: 1) build the capacity of different sectors to understand, plan, and adopt age-friendly practices; 2) engage various stakeholders to join in building an age-friendly city and business in Hong Kong; and 3) raise public awareness of age-friendly practices launched by different companies and organisations. This project will develop a new module on the silver market and AFB as part of Waves 2 and 3 of the Panel Study on Active Ageing and Society (PAAS). This module aims to enhance understanding of the consumption behaviour of ageing consumers in the context of AFB, as well as the risks and opportunities associated with the potential of the silver market.
PI: Dr Angel LAI, Assistant Professor of APSS
Co-Is: Professional Practice and Assessment Centre, APSS, PolyU; JC Design Institute of Social Innovation, PolyU; Baptist Oi Kwan Social Services; Professional Practice and Assessment Centre
Project title: ArtzJam, ArtzSpace & ArtzGame: Expressive Arts Mental Health Curriculum in School for Positive Mental Health
Funding amount: HK$2,974,000
Funding scheme: Quality Education Fund
Project period: 1 January 2025 – 31 January 2028
Project summary: ArtzJam aims to promote positive school mental health in primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong via the co-production of an expressive arts-based mental health curriculum. Through working with 4 secondary schools and 4 primary schools in Hong Kong, engaging 800 students, ArtzJam will be launched in 3 key phases. Phase 1 will involve staff training and co-production of a tailored mental health curriculum with each participating school fitting the needs of their students and teachers. Phase 2 will feature the implementation of the school-based expressive arts-based mental health curriculum at each participating school, and a series of PolyU-based design thinking programs for the design of a set of mental health games for students. Phase 3 will involve program evaluation findings dissemination, best practices sharing on social media and a graduation ceremony.
PI: Prof Janet Tsin Yee LEUNG, Professor of APSS
Project title: Enhancement of Singleton Hostel Service Project
Funding amount: HK$1,181,000
Funding scheme: The Salvation Army
Project period:1 September 2024 - 30 November 2027
Project summary: There are some singletons who are living in urban slums facing the problems of poverty, poor accommodation, underemployment or unemployment, and mental health problems. There are several urban hostels for single persons (such as Sunrise House) to provide a decent accommodation for those singletons. However, their needs are more than accommodation and daily necessities. Many residents suffer from physical and mental problems and they have poor relationship with their families. Because of the low socio-economic status, they have difficulties in finding jobs and have very low self-esteem. The Salvation Army has successfully obtained a funding from Jockey Club Charities Trust to launch a Project titled “Enhancement of Singleton Hostel Service” which aims to facilitate the empowerment of residents, assist them stand on their own feet with increase in level of independency, enhance their coping skills and build up their social capital. The Salvation Army invited the PI to conduct an evaluative study on the effectiveness of the Project.
PI: Dr Jing LIU, Research Assistant Professor of APSS
Co-Is: Dr Caicai ZHANG (PolyU, CBS), Dr Xiaoqing HU (HKU)
Project title: Neural Mechanisms of Memory Consolidation in Different Sleep Stages
Funding amount: HK$ 161,880
Funding scheme: 廣東省基礎與應用基礎研究項目
Project period: 1 January 2024 - 31 December 2026
Project summary: Sleep is a critical period for memory consolidation, facilitating the transformation of newly acquired information and experiences into long-term memories. Therefore, systematically investigating the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying different sleep stages in memory consolidation is of significant theoretical and practical value. This research aims to advance the understanding of memory reactivation and consolidation during sleep through three key approaches: First, we will use movie clips and motor sequences as experimental stimuli, combined with high-density sleep EEG monitoring, to examine the effects of neural activity in different sleep stages on declarative and procedural memory, respectively. Second, we will employ advanced analytical techniques, including multivariate neural decoding and representational similarity analysis, to explore the relationship between memory reactivation and consolidation across various sleep stages in humans. Third, we will utilize a range of sleep intervention methods, such as targeted memory reactivation and selective sleep deprivation, to determine the causal relationship between different sleep stages and memory consolidation.
Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2024
The Faculty Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2024 celebrates the remarkable contributions of dedicated faculty members in the areas of teaching, research and scholarly activities, and knowledge transfer. Congratulations to APSS colleagues who received recognition in two award categories, including teaching and knowledge transfer.
Read more and find the awardee list:
Prof. Daniel T.L. SHEK Received an Outstanding Research Award (Researcher/Academic Category) from The Asia-Pacific Federation on Giftedness (APFG) in August 2024
Prof. Daniel T. L. SHEK, Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme) and Chair Professor of APSS, has received an Outstanding Research Award (Researcher/Academic Category) from the APFG in August 2024.
The Background of the Awarded Project:
The Project GIFT is financially supported by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust with an earmarked grant of around HK$50 million (US$6.41M). There are several universities involving in the project, including The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, City University of Hong Kong and The Education University of Hong Kong, with The Chinese University of Hong Kong as the lead institution. Prof. SHEK is the Chief Co-Principal Investigator of the project (i.e., a key leader of the project).
The Project GIFT is an innovative programme attempting to strengthen talents and giftedness in primary and high school students in Hong Kong.
Dr Jia WANG, Assistant Professor of APSS, has co-authored an article entitled "Market and Nonmarket Pathways to Home Ownership and Social Stratification in Hybrid Housing Regimes: Evidence from Four Post-Soviet Countries", published in the American Journal of Sociology in 2022. This article won the 2024 Significant Scholarship Award from the International Sociological Association (ISA) Research Committee 28 on Social Stratification. This is the first time for scholars from Hong Kong to win this prestigious award (see previous awardees at:
Media Report
(Print news: Oriental Daily News A10)
Prof. Elsie YAN on Elder Abuse
Prof. Elsie YAN, Professor of the APSS, shared her insights into elder abuse in Hong Kong on RTHK’s “Letter to Hong Kong” broadcast on 15 June 2024. According to Prof. YAN’s study, one in 6.5 elderly maybe being abused in Hong Kong, and the number will probably increase as the population ages.
Online coverage:
RTHK - (03:50 - 11:54)
Oriental Daily News -
Master Insight -
(Print news: Hong Kong Economic Times A07)
Metaverse-Enabled Expressive Arts Therapy Programme to Foster Empathy in Adolescents
An interdisciplinary research team from PolyU has designed an expressive arts therapy programme utilising metaverse and virtual reality technologies to foster empathy and self-expression among adolescents, thereby improving their social skills and mental well-being. Prof. Eric CHUI, Chair Professor of Social Work and Criminology, Head of APSS and Co-Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology, and Dr Richard LI, Assistant Professor of APSS and Computing both stated that this programme is evidence of an innovative and successful use of metaverse technology in the development of adolescent mental well-being, while also illuminating the potential of educational innovation.
Press release:
English -; Chinese -
Online coverage:
Hong Kong Economic Times - (subscription required)
S.K.H. St. Christopher’s Home -
Prof. Eric CHUI, Chair Professor of Social Work and Criminology, Head of APSS and Co-Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology, delivered a plenary speech on the necessity and current development of age-friendly communities at a conference about social services for the elderly and children in the GBA held in Guangzhou on 28 June 2024.
Online coverage: -
China Philanthropy Research Institute -
Nfnews -
APSS’s Healing Together Project Concludes Successfully
The “Healing Together – Building Positive School Mental Health in Post-COVID Hong Kong” project launched by APSS with funding support from the Government’s Mental Health Project Funding Scheme - Phase 2 concluded on 6 July 2024. The project focused on creating a supportive and uplifting environment for students and teachers in Hong Kong's secondary schools in the wake of the pandemic.
Read more : APSS’s Healing Together Project Concludes Successfully
(Photo captured from Wen Wei Po’s website)
PolyU Students Helps Mainland Chinese Students Through Service-Learning Programmes
In early July, Prof. Daniel T. L. SHEK, Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme) and Chair Professor of APSS, led a group of 88 PolyU students to Hangzhou for a one-week service-learning programme to teach local primary students various subjects like English and Physics.
Meanwhile, another group of 115 PolyU students and teaching staff completed their service-learning programme in Xi’an in collaboration with Xi’an Jiaotong University, helping local students broaden their horizons, unleash their potential and cultivate their moral virtues.
Online coverage:
Wen Wei Po -;;
Prof. Eric CHUI Shares Insights into Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill
Prof. Eric CHUI, Chair Professor of Social Work and Criminology, Head of APSS and Co-Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology, was interviewed by RTHK’s radio programme “Open Line Open View” on 12 July 2024 on the implications of the Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Bill passed on 11 July 2024, including whether the curricula at universities have to be adjusted.
Online coverage:
RTHK - (23:53 - 33:43)
(Photo captured from myTV super)
Mindfulness Course Boosts Carers’ Mental Health
Dr Herman LO, Associate Professor of APSS, has developed a mindfulness course in collaboration with the Hong Kong Family Welfare Society for carers of elderly persons and parents who are under pressure. Participants have demonstrated significant improvements in both physical and mental health after practice.
Online coverage:
Hong Kong Economic Times -
MyTV super:
(Photo captured from Sing Tao Daily)
Prof. Eric CHUI Expounds Upon Socially Responsible Investing
Prof. Eric CHUI, Chair Professor of Social Work and Criminology, Head of APSS and Co-Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology, penned an article in Sing Tao Daily on the concept of socially responsible investing in ESG and the potential directions of research on that area in Hong Kong.
Online coverage:
Sing Tao Daily -
Headline Daily -
PolyU Study Reveals High Depression Rates Among Elderly with Emigrant Children
A study conducted by PolyU’s Research Centre for Gerontology and Family Studies (RCGFS) led by Prof. Xue BAI, Professor of APSS and Director of RCGFS, has found that 26% of elderly people aged from 60 to 96 in Hong Kong with emigrant children are believed to exhibit moderate to severe depression symptoms. Dr Xinxin CAI (the second from the left in the first row), Research Assistant Professor of APSS participated in the press release event.
Online coverage:
Hong Kong Economic Journal - (subscription required)
Hong Kong Economic Times - (subscription required)
Sing Tao Daily -
Headline Daily -
Hong Kong Commercial Daily -
Master Insight -
APSS Scholar Told SCMP Why Some Elderly Hong Kong People Take Up Illegal Gambling
Prof. Eric CHUI, Chair Professor of Social Work and Criminology, Head of APSS and Co-Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology, was interviewed by the SCMP about the issue of illegal gambling among the elderly in Hong Kong. The article also highlighted the need to provide more attractive facilities and activities to cater to the recreational and social needs of the aging population in Hong Kong.
Online coverage:
SCMP: (subscription required)
(Photo captured from Sohu)
Prof. Daniel T. L. SHEK Provides Training to Mainland Teachers
Prof. Daniel T. L. SHEK, Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme) and Chair Professor of APSS, and his team hosted a training session on 19 August 2024 about the positive youth development programme for over 130 secondary and primary school teachers in Gutian County, Fujian.
Online coverage:
Sohu -
(Photo captured from Sing Tao Daily)
PolyU Organises Igniting Social Innovation Competition to Foster Students’ Problem-Solving Skills
APSS has organised the inaugural PolyU Igniting Social Innovation Competition with an aim of increasing participants’ awareness of pressing social issues faced by Hong Kong citizens and people globally. Secondary students were encouraged to propose and advocate for policy solutions for a social issue, through which they were given opportunities to hone their critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Online coverage:
Sing Tao Daily -
Headline Daily -
APSS website: PolyU Ignites Social Innovation: Unveiling the Next Generation of Change-makers | Department of Applied Social Sciences
(Photo captured from The Storm Media website)
Dr Chengpang LEE on Chinese Economy Growth
Dr Chengpang LEE, Assistant Professor of APSS, shared his insights into mainland China’s economic development driven by advanced technologies in an interview with The Storm Media.
Online coverage:
The Storm Media -

(Photo captured from TVB’s programme)
Dr Chi Yuen LEUNG on TVB’s Programme
Dr Chi Yuen LEUNG, Lecturer of APSS, shared his professional perspective on how to regulate unlicensed hawkers in an interview with TVB’s programme “News Magazine”.
Video link: (09:40 – 11:08; 20:21- 21:50)
Dr Jessica LI on Sexual Violence
Dr Jessica LI, Associate Professor of APSS, shared her professional views on the role of education in reducing sexual violence amongst children in Hong Kong.
Online coverage:
China Daily -
Talks, Events and Press Conferences
PolyU’s APSS and Columbia University’s School of Social Work Forge Collaborative Partnership
In a momentous event held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Department of Applied Social Sciences and Columbia School of Social WorkatColumbia Universitysigned a Memorandum of Understandingto pave new ground in ourcollaborative partnership on 14 June 2024.
Read more:
MoU Signing with Chiang Mai University
On 21 June 2024, APSS and Chiang Mai University (CMU) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in Thailand, solidifying our commitment to knowledge exchange, collaboration in service-learning programs, student exchange initiatives, and joint research projects. The MoU marks a significant milestone for both institutions in establishing a close academic and research partnership.
Read more: MoU Signing with Chiang Mai University
Dynamic Talk by Dr Shiro FURUYA: Investigating the Impact of Retirement on Divorce Risk
Dr Shiro FURUYA, Assistant Professor of Sociology at Purdue University and Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University, visited APSS on 16 July 2024. During his visit, Dr FURUYA delivered a talk to the students and staff of APSS on the question “Does Retirement Reduce Divorce Risk?”. His research interests encompass demography, health, aging and life course, family dynamics, and quantitative methods.
Providing Policy Research and Training Support to District Care Teams (Sai Kung)
PolyU Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT) and APSS have partnered to conduct policy research and provide a professional training programme for District Care Teams (Sai Kung). The aim of the partnership is to equip the Teams with key knowledge and skills in order to better serve the community.
On 12 August 2024, PolyU signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the District Services and Community Care Development Fund (Sai Kung) Company Ltd to put forward public policy proposals that support Hong Kong’s development. The MoU also includes assisting the professional growth of District Care Teams (Sai Kung).
Read more:
Online coverage:
Takungpao -
PolyU Launches District Care Teams (Sai Kung) Training Programme to Enhance Service Skills and Quality
PolyU APSS and Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology (PReCIT), in collaboration with the District Services and Community Care Development Fund (Sai Kung), have organised a professional training programme for the District Care Teams (Sai Kung) to help participants systematically ground their theoretical knowledge and translate it into practical applications to enhance the quality of life, happiness and sense of security within the community.
The programme employs diverse and flexible teaching methods, including lectures, workshops, case studies, group activities and visits. The first sessions held on 14 September 2024 were led by Prof. Eric CHUI, Chair Professor of Social Work and Criminology, Head of APSS and Co-Director of PReCIT, and Ir. Prof. Horace MUI Kwok Wai, Associate Head (Research) of the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering.
Press release:
English –; Chinese –
Online coverage:
Sing Tao Daily –
Headline Daily –
Bastille Post –
Hong Kong Commercial Daily –
Warm Welcome to Incoming APSS Undergraduate Students in the Academic Year 2024-25
The Undergraduate Programme Orientation for 100+ freshmen who have recently joined the APSS family was successfully held on 26 August 2024. It was an opportunity for incoming students to learn about the department, make new connections, and prepare for a new chapter in their lives.
Read more:
Welcome Taught Postgraduate Students to the APSS Family!
On 29 August 2024, APSS held a welcoming orientation for the new cohort of taught postgraduate students. Prof. Eric CHUI, Chair Professor of Social Work and Criminology and Head of APSS, delivered a welcoming speech to all new students. Dr Qiaobing WU, Associate Professor and Associate Head, along with Dr Rodney CHU, Senior Lecturer and Chairperson of the Departmental Learning and Teaching Committee, gave an overview of the learning and teaching opportunities and facilities in APSS.
Read more:
Active Involvement of The Department of Applied Social Sciences Student Association (APSSSA) in Orientation Showcase 2024
On 29 August 2024, several core Executive Committee members of APSSSA participated in the Orientation Showcase 2024 held by the Student Affairs Office (SAO) at Shaw Sports Complex & Practice Gymnasium on PolyU campus.
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Inspired Talks Delivered by a U.K. Visiting Scholar
APSS invited Dr Satoshi KANAZAWA, a visiting scholar from the London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom), to deliver two inspiring hybrid talks to the PolyU community and connections on both 30 August 2024 and 5 September 2024. The topics of the talks were ‘What Makes Us Happy’ and ‘Why Intelligent People Do Unnatural Things’, covering psychology, sociology, political science, anthropology. These engaging sessions reached over 25,000 local and non-local participants and were co-organised with the PolyU Mental Health Research Centre and PolyU Academy of Interdisciplinary Research.
Welcome to New Research Postgraduate Students
The Research Postgraduate Programme (RPg) Orientation took place on 11 September 2024. As the Orientation began, Prof. Eric CHUI, Chair Professor of Social Work and Criminology and Head of APSS, delivered an opening speech to incoming students. Dr Christian GREIFFENHAGEN, Associate Professor and Director of RPg Studies of APSS, along with the supervisors welcomed all new research postgraduate students who have just started their journey with us.
As always, our colleagues look forward to helping and witnessing our students achieve and succeed, and wish them all the very best during their time with APSS!
The Fifth Inauguration of Endowed Professorships and The Second Inauguration of Endowed Young Scholars Held at PolyU
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) celebrated the Fifth Inauguration of Endowed Professorships and the Second Inauguration of Endowed Young Scholars. The event recognised the outstanding contributions of faculty members and highlighted the importanceT of academic excellence.
Congratulations to Dr Crystal KWAN, Associated Professor of APSS, was honored as Thetos Foundation Young Scholar in Social Sciences.
Prof. Eric Chui Delivers Welcoming and Closing Remarks at PolyU’s Consul General Talk Series on Turkey
PolyU hosted a successful Consul General Talk Series focused on Turkey, featuring insightful discussions about the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and its impact on regional innovation ecosystems. The event, held on 23 September 2024, at the Global Student Hub, was marked by engaging speeches from distinguished speakers, including Prof. Eric CHUI, Chair Professor of Social Work and Criminology, Head of APSS and Co-Director of the Policy Research Centre for Innovation and Technology.
Survival Workshop: “Preparing for an Academic Career” to APSS Research Postgraduate Students
On 25 September 2024, APSS organised a workshop aimed at better preparing APSS resarch postgraduate students for their academic journeys and beyond.
During the workshop, Prof. Eric CHUI, Chair Professor of Social Work and Criminology and Head of APSS addressed common anxieties and dispelled myths surrounding today’s competitive academic marketplace. Drawing on his personal experiences as both a doctoral student and a supervisor, he provided valuable insights into the changing demands of the academic job market.
This workshop offered a unique opportunity to gain guidance from an experienced academic leader, making it a significant occasion for all participants.
Keswick Foundation Supports Mainland Chinese Students in PolyU’s Doctor of Social Work (DSW) Programme
The Keswick Foundation has made significant contributions to support mainland Chinese students in the Doctor of Social Work programme. APSS is immensely grateful to receive two gifts from a long-standing supporter: a HK$3,146,000 donation for the 2022 Intake (Round I), and subsequently a HK$3,621,600 donation for the 2024 Intake (Round II).
These contributions demonstrate the Foundation's commitment to enhancing educational opportunities for students from the mainland. We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Keswick Foundation for their generous support to the advancement of social work education and research amongst the mainland Chinese students.
(Group photo of donors, officiating officers, and invited guests at APSS classroom GH405, which has been now named the “Tin Ka Ping Children and Youth Development Classroom”)
PolyU Hosts Tin Ka Ping Foundation Donation Ceremony to Support Youth Mental Health Initiatives
PolyU hosted the “Tin Ka Ping Foundation Donation Ceremony” on 26 August 2024 to express our heartfelt gratitude for the Foundation’s unwavering support since 2003. Deeply concerned about the mental well-being of young people, the Foundation has been supporting the PolyU’s P.A.T.H.S. project since 2011.
The current donation for research aims to support three projects led by Prof. Daniel SHEK, Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme) and Chair Professor of APSS, and other APSS colleagues (Dr Ann LI, Dr Julie ZHU, Dr Diya DOU, Prof. Janet LEUNG and Dr Lu YU) to address mental health issues among teenagers in Hong Kong and Mainland China and promote their holistic development. It benefits primary and secondary schools and supports "service leadership" and “service learning” activities for PolyU and Mainland university students.
The ceremony was officiated by Mr Hing-sin TIN, Chairman of the Tin Ka Ping Foundation, Mr Hay-lap TAI, Vice Chairman, Mr Wing-sin TIN, Director; Professor Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU, and Dr Roy CHUNG, Treasurer of the PolyU Foundation and Honorary Chairman of the University Court. In honour of the tremendous contributions to education by late Dr TIN and the Foundation's support, PolyU has named classroom GH405 the "Tin Ka Ping Children and Youth Development Classroom"
Online coverage:
PolyU OIA:
PolyU Facebook:
Students and Alumni Corner
APSS Study Tours 2024
APSS organised four study tours aimed at broadening students' global horizons, facilitating cultural exchange, and fostering knowledge sharing with university students, non-governmental organisations, and local communities. These tours offered students comprehensive learning experiences, merging academic knowledge with cultural exploration, thereby deepening their understanding of social work, social policy, counselling, mental issue issues and cultural heritage.
Read more: APSS Study Tours 2024 | Department of Applied Social Sciences (
APSSGA's Cuttlefish Fishing Night Unites Alumni and Graduating Students, Inspires Future Involvement
The APSS Graduate Association (APSSGA) organised a cuttlefish fishing night on 6 July 2024. This activity was held in Sai Kung, providing participants with a refreshing sea breeze and relaxing night during the hot summer days. A total of 35 alumni, family members, and graduating students came together to participate in this activity. They enjoyed a fruitful evening of cuttlefish fishing, savouring delicious cuisine, and engaging in mutual sharing.
The APSSGA successfully engaged 12 graduating students during this outing activity. The aim of this activity was to encourage more young alumni to become members of the APSSGA, with the goal of enhancing and expanding the network of APSS alumni in the near future.
Find out more: APSSGA's Cuttlefish Fishing Night Unites Alumni and Graduating Students, Inspires Future Involvement
APSSGA Elects New Chairperson and Held Inspirational Alumni Sharing Session
On 20 July 2024, APSS’s Graduates Association (APSSGA) convened its Annual General Meeting, and a new cabinet was elected. It is with great pleasure that Ms. Catherine YEUNG, alumni of BA (Hons) in Social Policy and Administration, has been nominated and appointed as the Chairperson of APSSGA for the term spanning from 2024 to 2026. Her leadership will guide alumni affairs throughout this tenure. Please find the new committee member list here.
In a highlight of the event, the APSSGA invited Dr Chi Kong SIU, selected as the Outstanding APSS Alumni of 2024, to share insights on entrepreneurship services and innovative practices within small and medium-sized social welfare organisations with the attendees.
Outstanding APSS Alumni Award 2024
Dr Chi Kong SIU
Director of Gideon Ministries Limited
Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong, 1992
BSW (Hons) Social Work, 1997
Our department is delighted to announce the recipient of the 2024 Outstanding Alumni Award. This award serves as a testament to the exceptional leadership, commitment, and dedication of APSS alumni who have made a significant impact in their professional fields and communities. This year, we congratulate Dr Chi Kong SIU as our 2024 Outstanding Alumnus.
Dr SIU obtained his Bachelor of Social Work in 1997 from APSS, prior to which he was named one of Ten Outstanding Young Persons of Hong Kong in 1992 by the Junior Chamber International Hong Kong, an international youth leadership organisation. In 2014, Dr SIU was awarded an honorary doctorate in pastoral studies from the Hong Kong Institute of Christian Counselors.
Read more:
Sharing by Overseas Intern from Nanyang Technological University to The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Department of APSS
Mr Justin YEUNG Chun Wang served as a Research Intern for Dr Yvette TO, Assistant Professor of APSS, in the Department during the summer break from June to August 2024.
Justin said:
“During my internship, I had the chance to work in a variety of applied social science fields, such as field and desk research, paper writing, book reviewing, and attending academic conferences. The comprehensive hands-on, practical experience with various projects has inspired me to look further into my future career.
It was eye opening to be able to see the behind the scenes work in a university, after years of only being on the front end as a student. I was able to experience the inner workings and thought that goes into a professor’s work when teaching or designing a course for their students — such as ways to keep it interesting. This was where I got the opportunity to visit a cutting-edge VR facility designed to enrich and enhance students’ learning in 3D. It was also important to note the amount of work in addition to teaching those professors must consider, especially in research focused fields such as social sciences.
There was also ample time for me to explore the city I grew up in after many years abroad, seeing the cultural shift that is naturally brought about over time. The welcoming committee at PolyU also provided a rich welcoming experience for the other overseas exchange interns and me, not limited to the lavish welcoming lunch, but also traditional Hong Kong dim sum making and bamboo fan painting.
I would like to once again extend my thanks to my supervisor, Dr Yvette TO at PolyU for providing me with a rich and vibrant experience while working at PolyU.”
(Group photo of APSS staff, current and new sportsmen)
Rolling out the Welcome Mat for Student-Athletes
APSS hosted a reception to welcome our student-athletes in late August 2024. During the reception, APSS outlined the resources and services available to student-athletes, ensuring they have the necessary guidance to thrive in both their academic and competitive athletic endeavours.
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APSS Mid-Autumn Festival Gathering for Inbound and Outbound Students
On 12 September 2024, APSS welcomed our inbound and outbound exchange students with a Mid-Autumn Festival gathering. The gathering featured traditional lanterns, mooncakes, discussions about the legends of these iconic objects, and shared views and information about their exchange experience.
It was a wonderful cultural exchange, as our inbound exchange students enjoyed a taste of the festive season, had a good time celebrating the Mid-Autumn Festival together and made new friends. APSS hopes that our inbound exchange students enjoy all that Hong Kong has to offer and make the most out of their journey with PolyU!