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20221017 Discussion Lucheon with APSS Info Day Student Ambassador_master-01

Luncheon Discussion with Student Ambassadors and Administrative Colleagues

APSS held a luncheon discussion with student ambassadors and administrative colleagues who have supported wholeheartedly the PolyU Undergraduate Info Day 2022. Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of APSS; Dr Kong YAM and Dr Raymond TAM, Co-Programme Leaders of BA (Hons) Scheme in Applied Social Sciences; and Dr Rita CHEUNG, Assistant Programme Leader of BA (Hons) in Social Work, attended the luncheon on behalf of the department. They received various positive comments and constructive suggestions from the groups for improving the Info Day next year. For example, having a lecture theatre with a larger seating capacity, larger signages for easier campus navigation, and a consultation room in the live-streams.   Our heartfelt thanks to all of the student ambassadors and administrative colleagues for their contribution and continued support of APSS events!

24 Oct, 2022


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APSS Scholarship Awardees: Gaining Lifelong Experiences and Knowledge for a Better Society

Fifteen students received the APSS Scholarship for Outstanding Students – Taught Postgraduate Programme (the Scholarship) in recognition of their stellar academic performance and solid commitment to the betterment of society. The scholarship offers HK$5,000 to selected current and final year self-financed taught postgraduate students who have completed half of the required credits of their programmes and attained a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above at the end of the academic year. Congratulations to the awardees for their achievement! Let’s hear what they said from the bottom of their hearts:     LAM Wai Ka (Doctor of Social Work) “Participating in the DSW programme enriches my knowledge related to the social work profession and facilitates the development of my identities as a social work practitioner, educator, and researcher. But more importantly, it changes my ways of apprehending the complexity of human experience and human world. I am really thankful for being awarded, as it unquestionably motivates me to grow further and contribute to society.”   CHUNG Manyee Sandy (Master of Arts in Guidance and Counselling) “The learning journey at PolyU has empowered me not only with knowledge and skills but also has broadened my world with new perspectives and discoveries. I especially enjoy the community of professors, staff and classmates who make the learning process worthwhile and fun!”   LAL Indra (Master of Arts in Guidance and Counselling) “Even though I entered the programme looking to attain my master’s degree, I acquired something of far greater value. I gained friendships with individuals from diverse backgrounds and knowledge from truly remarkable professors. Through practicum supervision, I gained an appreciation for “leading from one step behind”. I will forever be grateful to PolyU for this amazing experience and am deeply honored to receive the APSS scholarship for outstanding students.”   SIU Wing Sze (Master of Arts in Guidance and Counselling) “This year of study in the MAGC programme has been eye-opening and fulfilling. The theories and skills learnt from classes and group assignments inspire reflections and generate new perspectives on my life and relationship with others. I also enjoy the friendship with fellow classmates and participating in extra-curricular activities and workshops.”   KWAN Shiu Yin (Master of Applied Psychology) “Studying at PolyU was a rewarding experience. I was able to enhance my knowledge in psychology and apply them in real-world settings through the practicum. It is my honour to be awarded the scholarship, and this would certainly motivate me to grow and contribute even more to society with my knowledge.”   NG Hiu Yi Maggie (Master of Applied Psychology (Diverse Learning Needs)) “I am sincerely honoured to be selected as the recipient of the Scholarship. Studying the Master of Applied Psychology (Diverse Learning Needs) is such a fruitful experience. I am able to broaden my horizon in both knowledge and practicum aspects. The programme allows us to learn with great autonomy as well.”   SO Kwan Wah Maegan (Master of Applied Psychology (Diverse Learning Needs)) “I am sincerely honoured to be selected as a recipient of the Scholarship. The learning experience in the MAP-DLN programme has been fruitful and inspirational. It has equipped me to incorporate multidisciplinary strategies in order to respond to individuals with diverse learning needs.”   LAU Ka Ho (Master of Arts in School and Community Psychology) “Studying at APSS equipped me with extensive knowledge in diversified aspects of psychology, ranging from historical foundations to evidence-based interventions. Being awarded the Scholarship is not entirely the outcome of my hard work. Without the unreserved guidance and support from professional teachers at PolyU, I could not have gone through this challenging but fruitful journey.”     MAK Man Wai (Master of Arts in School and Community Psychology) “It is a huge honour for me to receive the Scholarship. The way to this award was no child’s play. The award has caused me to reflect further on how I can apply psychology in work and life. Studying at PolyU is an incredible and life-changing learning experience which enriched my life immensely by connecting concepts and life. Thank you very much.”     WONG Lai Lai (Master of Arts in School and Community Psychology) “My learning experiences at PolyU have been meaningful and valuable. The programme allowed me to develop a comprehensive understanding of psychology and explore my interests in various fields of the discipline. During my studies, I had the opportunity to reflect upon my life and consider my true career interests. It is beyond my expectations to be awarded the scholarship. I hope to express my heartfelt gratitude for all the help I have received from my supportive professors, lecturers, and lovely classmates.”     LEUNG Nok Hang (Master of Arts in Social Policy and Social Development)   “I am sincerely honoured to be one of the recipients of the Scholarship. It is a big encouragement to my effort in my further education as a part-time student. I am also grateful to the professional lecturers whose enthusiasm for teaching fosters interaction in the class. I believe the knowledge and skills equipped have enriched our understanding of local and global policy issues.”     MIAO Xinyu (Master of Arts in Social Policy and Social Development) “It’s my honour to receive this award. My year at PolyU has been the most enjoyable and rewarding year of my life. PolyU has a beautiful campus, excellent facilities, and a great variety of canteen food. In my free time, I often read and study in the comfortable and spacious library of PolyU. I would also like to thank the teachers at APSS for their knowledge and kindness. I always gain a lot of knowledge and life experiences from my interactions with them.”   PAN Xinyi (Master of Arts in Social Policy and Social Development) “Thanks to PolyU for giving me a fabulous experience during my studies. The beautiful red brick campus, friendly staff and perfect educational facilities make me enjoy every moment of my study here. I gained not only a lot of advanced professional knowledge but really felt the "pragmatic" philosophy of PolyU. I always believe that no effort is made for nothing! As long as having responsibility and planning, we can all study hard for our dream and will eventually receive what we deserve. Doubtlessly, this award would also give me more motivation to work harder to improve myself in the future. I would apply all I have learned in PolyU to benefit society!”     CHAN Po Lam (Master of Arts in Social Work (Family-centred Practice and Family Therapy)) “Studying at PolyU is a fruitful journey. It allows me to have a better understanding of individuals, family and myself. It helps me build the capacity to connect their needs and sufferings. It provides me with a platform to meet many supportive friends and teachers. Thank you, APSS, for the award. I am truly grateful to receive it. It is a great encouragement.”   CHAN Shun Lai Carol (Master of Arts in Social Work (Family-centred Practice and Family Therapy)) “I have been constantly amazed by the unreserved sharing of experiences and real cases from teachers excelling in different scopes and have enjoyed the open discussion and challenges in class with students from all walks of life who have co-constructed and enriched the learning experiences and outcomes. I was surprised to receive the award which really belongs to the whole class who worked hard together amidst a busy schedule and made the year a fruitful and enjoyable journey.”  

21 Oct, 2022


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Implementing Mindfulness in Schools

APSS has received a total of HK$1.33 million in donations from the Hong Kong Buddhist Association Primary School Head Council to implement a school-based mindfulness curriculum in eight primary schools and mindfulness groups for students with special educational needs. The principal investigator Dr Herman LO, Associate Professor of APSS, attended the cheque presentation ceremony on 19 August 2022. Also in attendance at the event were the three project donors, including The Ling Wan Temple Foundation Ltd., The Sunny Lay Buddhists, and The Vineyard.   The first batch of the teacher training was successfully launched on 7 October 2022, at the Professional Practice and Assessment Centre (PPAC), where 20 primary school teachers took part in the training session delivered by Ms Angie Bucu from the International Academy of Mindful Teaching. Dr LO and his team projected that by the end of the 2022/23 school year, more than 700 P.1 and P.3 students, and 100 students with special educational needs, would benefit from the new curriculum.   Aside from fulfilling its social missions, this project also entails a research study to investigate student outcomes and assess capacity-building for implementing a school-based mindfulness curriculum.   Dr LO expects this project can generate evidence and knowledge about how mindfulness-based programme can be further promoted in the education sector in Hong Kong and elsewhere.

10 Oct, 2022



Undergraduate Info Day 2022 – FULL HOUSE!

PolyU Undergraduate Info Day was successfully held on 8 October 2022. Our staff were very grateful with the overwhelming interest in our BA (Hons) Scheme in Applied Social Sciences (JS3250). This Scheme offers two major awards: BA (Hons) in Social Work; or BA (Hons) in Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship   2023 JUPAS application for admission commences now until 7 Dec 2022. DSE students can visit JUPAS website for more information while non-JUPAS applicant can visit PolyU eAdmission platform for more detail.   APSS Information Seminars were well received by prospective students and their parents. They were keen on learning how our majors, including Social Work and Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship, would equip students with the essential knowledge, values and skills needed for social work and human services professionals.   

8 Oct, 2022


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Continued Contribution and Encouragement from Alumni

APSS successfully held the Alumni and CEO Forum on 3 October 2022. In the Forum, our alumni, who are CEOs and hold senior management positions in various NGOs, shared many great conversations with one another and bonded with several APSS colleagues.   The Forum began with an opening remark delivered by Prof. David SHUM, Dean of Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. Prof. Angelina YUEN-TSANG, Honorary Professor of APSS, shared her views on how APSS has helped connect social work practitioners and educators across the world as part of the departmental internationalization and social responsibility strategies. Prof. Yuk Chung CHAN, Honorary Guest of APSS, discussed how practice research can bring practitioners and researchers together in order to co-develop professional knowledge and wisdom. Apart from introducing various APSS undergraduate and postgraduate programmes to our alumni, Prof. Eric CHUI, Head of APSS, concluded, “A significant part of our success story is the continued contribution and encouragement from alumni. Your support is a driving force that we - as a department - sincerely cherish.”   APSS looks forward to collaborating and joining hands with more NGOs that share our vision and mission of providing enriching learning opportunities for students.

7 Oct, 2022


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Welcoming APSS Inbound Exchange Students – Introducing Mid-Autumn Festival

APSS held a gathering for APSS inbound exchange students of Semester One 2022/23 on 9 September 2022. They had the chance to network and engage in cultural exchange with our local and mainland students. The exchange students also shared their experiences with living and studying in Hong Kong so far while their fellow local students offered tips to make the most of their stay in Hong Kong. The event took place the day before Mid-Autumn Festival, so traditional lanterns and mooncakes were presented to our exchange students to have a taste of the festive season.

9 Sep, 2022


20220820 Dr Angel LAI Seminar 1

Life Planning Programmes – Benefits to Secondary School Students and Suggestions for the Future

Dr Angel LAI, Assistant Professor, and her team have been collaborating with the Youth Life World Design team of Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service for two years to study on the benefits life planning programmes bring to secondary school students.   A press conference cum seminar on research dissemination entitled “VUCA時代青年生活世界設計服務框架 - 成效研究發佈會暨研討會” was held on 20 August 2022 at PolyU.    Their study shows that life planning programmes could bring hope to youngsters when they think of their future development; life planning education should be promoted at junior secondary or upper primary level; and support to students from low-income families should be offered.

25 Aug, 2022


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A Wrap-up for the Junior Researcher Mentoring Programme 2022

The closing ceremony of the Junior Researcher Mentoring Programme 2022 organised by Global Engagement Office (GEO) was successfully held on 23 August 2022. This programme provides secondary school students with an opportunity to deepen their understanding of a chosen research topic and to nurture their analytical and research skills between April and August 2022. Prof. Eric CHUI, Head, Prof. Daniel SHEK, Associate Vice President (Undergraduate Programme) and Chair Professor; and Dr Angel LAI, Assistant Professor of the Department of Applied Social Sciences (APSS) have been mentors for their respective research projects. More details can be found below: Financial Literacy and Gambling Behaviour: Evidence from Hong Kong Mentor: Prof. Eric CHUI Qualitative Evaluation of a Positive Youth Development Program in Mainland China: Tin Ka Ping P.A.T.H.S. Project Mentor: Prof. Daniel SHEK What is Co-production? Initiatives to Actively Engaging Young People to Build our Society Mentor: Dr Angel LAI

23 Aug, 2022


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Family Resilience Online Course

課程簡介 網上學習證書課程由香港理工大學設計,是賽馬會抗逆有「家」計劃其中一個項目。 課程目的是讓家長認識「家庭抗逆力」的概念,反思自己的家庭狀況,並將所學到的東西應用在自己的家庭裏,從而提升家庭面對逆境的能力和信心。 整個課程分為 基礎課程 和 進階課程 兩部份: 基礎課程主要是簡介「家庭抗逆力」及它對家庭發揮的保護作用; 進階課程則會深入探討「家庭抗逆力」理論中的三個核心範疇: 家庭信念 家庭運作 家庭溝通 每個範疇均包括三個單元,合共九個單元。完成基礎課程、進階課程的每個範疇及整個課程均會獲得 電子證書 各一張。 欲知道如何在你的家中應用「家庭抗逆力」,請立即登入以下連結,登記及報讀課程,開展屬於你的「家庭抗逆力」之旅! 免費網上學習證書課程 課程特色 費用全免 隨時隨地都可以上網學習 理論與實踐並重 獲得由香港理工大學所頒發的證書   【課程宣傳片段】 計劃透過社區為本的專業介入服務、網上家庭活動、網上學習課程和專業同工培訓,旨在協助家庭: (1) 建立正面的家庭信念  (2) 促進互相支持的關係  (3) 提升積極解難的能力  

12 Aug, 2022


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Exploring BA (Hons) Scheme in APSS (JS3250) Programme at PolyU

On 8 August 2022, APSS collaborated with the Global Engagement Office to hold the PolyU Summer Programme for Secondary School Students 2022. Dr Kong YAM and Dr Raymond TAM, Co-programme Leaders of BA (Hons) Scheme in Applied Social Sciences welcomed a total of 40 S4 and S5 students and introduced key features and curriculum structure of this undergraduate (UG) programme to them. Seven current students from BA (Hons) in Social Work and BA (Hons) in Social Policy and Social Entrepreneurship joined the event to share with the secondary school students about their experiences and attainment during their studies. The Summer Programme was ended with a tailor-made tour in Pao Yue-Kong Library.  APSS sincerely hopes that the participants found our Summer Programme informative and useful in exploring their study options.  We also take this opportunity to thank our current undergraduate students for joining us to share their learning experience with secondary school students!

10 Aug, 2022


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