Project Description 項目介紹

The second half of 2019 marked the lowest point in intergenerational relationship between the younger and older generations of Hong Kong when society was split on views toward political and government policy issues. Both generations express stereotypes, social stigma, and prejudice against each other. Young and old generations are important stakeholders for the bright future of Hong Kong, and they are both waiting to have an appropriate platform to re-connect for mutual understanding, respect, and trust so that they can benefit from each other. 

2019 年下半年標誌著香港年輕一代與年長一代之間的跨代關係最低點,當時社會對政治和政府政策問題的看法存在分歧。兩代人都表達了對彼此的刻板印象、社會污名化和偏見。年輕一代與年長一代是香港美好未來的重要利益相關者,他們都在等待一個合適的平台讓大家重新聯繫,以相互理解、尊重和信任,以便彼此受益。


Funded by Lee Kam Kee Family Foundation & ZeShan Foundation 
李錦記家族基金 及 擇善基金會


Project Objectives 計劃目標

  • To enhance the quality of intergenerational co-learning activities and explore potentials in cultivating relevant activities in secondary schools 

  • Older adults and university students will design a variety of intergenerational co-learning activities for secondary school students with an aim to provide opportunities for mutual learning 



Project Duration 計劃年期

Sept 2021 to April 2024 2021年9月至2024年4月


Activity Highlights 活動要點








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