CAFR Special Issue Conference 2023

02 Dec 2023
School of Accounting & Finance
09:00 - 18:00
Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
As digital changes continue to affect prevailing systems and procedures, many professions run a risk of becoming obsolete in the new global economy. While businesses are in a state of flux, the reporting language changes too. Accounting, the language of business, adapts to the volatile environment to satisfy stakeholders’ needs. With the development of digital technology, the digital economy has become a crucial driver of economic growth. To better understand how the digital economy has evolved, we offer a platform for discussions on the following topics:
· Digitisation and accounting standards change
· Management accounting in a digital economy
· Corporate social responsibility in a digital economy
· Financial risks in a digital economy
· Digital economy and business environment
The China Accounting and Finance Review (CAFR) 2023 Special Issue Conference, jointly organised by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Jinan University, was held at Jinan University in Guangzhou on 2 December 2023. Each conference presenter and discussant may be entitled to two nights’ accommodation and a maximum of USD 1,500 for reimbursing airfare and travel expenses. We particularly encourage the submission of theoretical and empirical papers that have clear implications for the role of accounting and finance in digital economy. We also welcome papers on other topics in accounting and finance. Accepted papers will be published in CAFR (subject to satisfactory revision). In addition, there was a best paper award and a best discussant award of USD 500 each.
Conference Date: 2 December 2023 (Saturday)
Location: Jinan University, Guangzhou, China
Theme: Accounting and Finance in Digital Economy
Keynote Speaker 1: Donghui Wu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
Keynote Speaker 2: Qinglu Jin (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
The conference has been successfully completed. Please click HERE to view the photos.
Conference Programme
Please click HERE to view the programme.
Organising Committee
Prof. Nancy Su, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof. Qiang Wu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Prof. Wenjing Li, Jinan University
Prof. Pingui Rao, Jinan University
For enquires, please contact CAFR editorial office at