
The Service-learning Community of Practice has been one of the CoPs supported by PolyU since the inception of the programme. Over the past two triennia, the CoP has engaged 914 academics in 24 events, receiving much positive feedback. In the meantime, the PolyU academic service-learning program has grown to be one of the largest in the world and a model of excellence in Greater China and Asia.

In the coming triennium, we propose to broaden the CoP to target student leaders as well as teachers. We have two objectives:

  1. We wish to maintain and improve our academic service-learning program, so that we keep our position as the best SL program in Asia, and move towards becoming one of the best SL programs worldwide.
  2. We wish to encourage and support a culture of service on campus, inside and outside of the academic service-learning requirement, to nurture and develop our staff and students into constructively engaged citizens.

The following are our specific objectives:

To provide a structured means for collaborative professional development in staff who are involved in service-learning and for the enhancement of service-learning experience among students, including:

  1. To expand and improve our teachers’ knowledge and skills in SL pedagogy, including the design, delivering, and assessment of SL subjects;
  2. To provide a means to exchange experiences on international trends and effective practices Page 2 of 10 on service-learning pedagogies between local faculty members and international counterparts;
  3. To provide a platform for teachers from different disciplines to share their SL experiences, good practices, and new ideas and foster cross-discipline collaborations on SL projects;
  4. To equip staff with the knowledge and means to perform scholarly work on teaching and learning in SL; and
  5. To consolidate the impact of service-learning experience on student development and learning outcomes.

For students, to foster a culture of socially responsible community engagement, and to nurture them into socially responsible leaders in community:

  1. To improve our students’ knowledge and skills in supporting SL subjects and projects, including assisting with coordination and liaison,
  2. To provide a platform for student leaders to exchange experiences and learn from each other as well as the staff in designing and leading service-learning projects, with an eye towards fostering new ideas and collaborations