Experience Sharing - Parallel Sessions

All presentations of the Experience Sharing - Parallel Sessions are being categorized into one of the
following eight areas related to OBA:

Area A   Integrating OBA into curriculum planning

Area B   Articulating programme and subject outcomes

Area C   Aligning teaching, learning and assessment with intended learning outcomes

Area D   Assessment of learning outcomes (institutional, programme, subject and general education)

Area E   Supporting academic staff in developing and implementing OBA

Area F   Involving students as partners in implementing OBA

Area G   OBA and quality improvement

Area H   Other issues related to developing and implementing OBA

1120 – 1150  Experience Sharing - Parallel Session I


Outcomes Based Curriculum Design of BSc (Hons) in Geomatics

Prof. Esmond Mok
Professor, Dept of Land Surveying and
Geo-Informatics, PolyU


Towards Outcome-based English Learning and Computer Skills Training Dr Li Lan, Assistant Professor;
Prof. Winnie Cheng, Professor,
Dept of English, PolyU
Articulating Programme and Course Outcomes in the Sciences: Synergies Across the Faculty of Science at CUHK Prof. Poon Wai Yin
Associate Dean (Education) of Science, CUHK
Using e-Case Studies to Align Teaching, Learning and Assessment of Students in Clinical Case Management: Professional Learning Outcomes Prof. Cecilia Li-Tsang
Associate Head, Dept of Rehabilitation Sciences, PolyU
Integrating Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO’s) with Programme Outcomes for a Year 2 Continually Assessed Compulsory Subject using Criteria Referenced Assessment (CRA)

Mr Steve Frankland
Visiting Associate Professor, Dept of Industrial and Systems Engineering, PolyU

Approaches to Assessing Learning Outcomes in General Education Programme: Experience at CUHK Dr Leung Mei Yee
Associate Director, Office of University General Education, CUHK
Assessing Learning Outcomes Achieved through the "Undergraduate Experience" (A facilitated discussion session)

Dr David Mole
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs;
Mr Nick Noakes
Director, Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching, HKUST

Reforming Undergraduate Student Assessment Prof. Esmonde F. Corbet
Professor, Faculty of Dentistry, HKU
Professional Development for Supporting Strategic Initiatives Around Outcomes Based Approaches to Student Learning Dr Diane Salter
Associate Professor, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, HKU
Developing Experiential Learning: Experience at CUHK Mr Raymond Leung
Director, Office of Student Affairs, CUHK
Formative Feedback for our Outcomes-based Approach Efforts Dr Eva Wong, Director;
Dr John Coombes, Senior Research Fellow, Education Development Office, CityU
Online Courses Forms and Course Evaluation (Programme Management and Assessment) Dr Cheung Sai On
Associate Head & Associate Professor;
Dr Paul H.F. Lam
Associate Professor,
Dept of Building and Construction, CityU
The Role of Technology in Curriculum Planning for 3+3+4 at CUHK Prof. Paul Lam
Assistant Professor, Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research;
Mr Morris Kwok
Computer Officer, Information Technology Services Centre, CUHK


1155 – 1225  Experience Sharing - Parallel Session II

Aligning Student Learning with Institutional Strategic Direction: The Role of OBL

Prof. Kerry Kennedy
Associate Vice-President (Quality Assurance); Dean, Faculty of Education Studies; Chair Professor of Curriculum Studies, HKIEd


Integration of Institutional, Programme and Course Level Learning Outcomes Prof. Michael Prosser
Executive Director, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, HKU
Programme and Courses Outcomes through the Web Dr David Rossiter
Visiting Assistant Professor, Dept of Computer Science and Engineering, HKUST
Implementation of OBTL on Laboratory-based/Project-based Courses (Teaching and Learning Activities and Assessment) Dr Andy Chan
Laboratory Director of Optoelectronics Laboratory; Associate Professor, Dept of Electronic Engineering, CityU
The Alignment of English Subjects with Biomedical Engineering (BME) Subjects and its Effects on Learning Outcomes Achievement

Dr Freeman Chan, Lecturer;
Dr Julia Chen, Senior Lecturer,
English Language Centre, PolyU

Course-embedded Assessment of Learning Outcomes for the BBA Programme: Lessons from Experience Prof. Robin Snell
Professor, Faculty of Business, LU
Two-tier Institutional Learning Outcomes Assessment Framework Prof. Arthur Mak
Associate Vice President (Academic Development);
Dr KP Kwan
Senior Educational Development Officer, Educational Development Centre, PolyU
Ouch!! My Outcomes are Killing Me! Prof. Howard Davies
Associate Dean (Programmes, Teaching & Learning), Faculty of Business
Professional Development for New Teachers at CUHK Prof. Carmel McNaught
Director & (Chair) Professor of Learning Enhancement, Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, CUHK
Visualized Outcome-based Learning Model: From Passive Learning to Active Holistic Experience Sharing Dr YH Wong
Associate Professor, Dept of Management and Marketing, PolyU
Global Standards, Local Solutions: Meeting Challenges in OBA and Quality Improvement Dr Christopher Charles Deneen
Assistant Professor, Centre for Learning, Teaching, and Technology, Outcomes-Based Learning Unit, HKIEd
Identifying Mechanisms for Developing Learning Outcomes as a Means of Quality Enhancement Prof. David Kember
Professor in Research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Centre for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, HKU
An Example of Outcome-based Co-curricular Activities: The Project-Based Mentoring Scheme Dr Paul Shin
Associate Professor, Dept of Biology and Chemistry, CityU


1230 – 1300  Experience Sharing - Parallel Session III

Using Evaluation Data on Students’ Attainment of Learning Outcomes to Inform Curriculum Planning at CUHK Prof. Keith Thomas
Associate Professor, Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, CUHK


Aligning Programme Outcomes with Expected Professional Competence of Undergraduate Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Programme Dr Jenny Chung
Associate Professor, Dept of Rehabilitation Sciences, PolyU
Challenges in Developing Learning Outcomes for Undergraduate Language Programmes: Experiences in the English and Chinese Subjects Dr Wang Lixun
Assistant Professor, Dept of English;
Dr Cheung Sau Hung
Assistant Professor, Dept of Chinese, HKIEd
How are Work-Integrated Education Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Aligned with Programme ILOs in Department of English? Prof. Winnie Cheng
Professor, Dept of English, PolyU
An Integrative Approach to OBL Course Design for Effective Implementation Dr Hui Ming Fai
Associate Professor, Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology, HKIEd
Assessing Student Generic Programme Outcomes with Final Year Projects Prof. Esmond Mok
Professor, Dept of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, PolyU
Assessing Programme Intended Learning Outcomes: The First Year of an Undergraduate Programme Dr David Qian
Associate Professor, Dept of English, PolyU
An Overview of Implementation of OBA in the Department of Applied Mathematics at PolyU Ms Frances Hui
Project Associate, Dept of Applied Mathematics, PolyU
Building Staff Capacity for Implementing OBL Approach to Learning Dr Ong Ai Choo
Associate Professor, Centre for Learning, Teaching, and Technology, Outcomes-Based Learning Unit, HKIEd
Involving Students as Partners in Implementing Outcomes-based Approaches to Teaching and Learning Dr David A. Campion
Fulbright Scholar in General Education and Visiting Lecturer in History, HKBU
Weaving OBA, QAC and 334 into a High Quality Tapestry Prof. Carmel McNaught
Director & (Chair) Professor of Learning Enhancement, Centre for Learning Enhancement and Research, CUHK
Facilitating the Implementation of OBE at HKUST's School of Business and Management Prof. Jiing-Lih Larry Farh
Chair Professor, Dept of Management;
Mr Nick Noakes
Director, Center for Enhanced Learning and Teaching, HKUST