What is all-round development?

University education does not only provide you with the opportunities to acquire subject knowledge, but essential life skills and attitude for effective learning and continuing growth that are important for your future career and in meeting with challenges in the changing society. An all-round student has a well balanced development of the following all round abilities or generic competencies, and they are:


(click here to see PolyU's expectations on graduates at undergraduate level)


Ability to direct a team to work towards a common goal, and to motivate and influence other team members.


Ability to cooperate effectively with other team members to follow the team's agreed decision; willingness to share team responsibilities.

Interpersonal Effectiveness

Ability to fit in with different social situations and to develop open and harmonious relationships with different people.


Ability to apply oral and writing skills to communicate clearly, concisely, and effectively with others.

Social and National Responsibility

Ability to cultivate a positive attitude towardsthe community: to take part in voluntary social services to help those in need; to care about one¡¦s own country; to concern over ethical or moral issues; and to respect the rights of others.


Ability and initiative to discover, create and catch new opportunities; willingness to take considerable risk for new prospects.

Critical Thinking

Ability to state strong reasons or evidence to support a given argument, and to identify illogical reasoning in one's argument.

Creative Thinking

Ability to discover and apply new angles, ideas, and methods to understand and deal with routine matters.

Problem Solving

Ability to identify a problem, and to plan and carry out an approach to solve it.

Cultural Appreciation

Ability to evaluate various artistic or cultural forms, and to appreciate the cultural heritage of one's own country.

Lifelong Learning

Ability to cultivate an aspiration and initiative towards the mastery of new knowledge and skills; confident with own learning abilities.

Global Outlook

Ability to have an understanding of and develop interests in local and international affairs. Able to appreciate the relationships between world events.