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Have you ever felt stressed, worried or even anxious for the new academic year? 

A Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) workshop will be offered to students to raise your awareness and to equip you with knowledge on MHFA, which will help yourself and people around you. The learning objectives are:

  1. To identify signs and symptoms of mental health problems and crisis;
  2. To provide suitable help for the person involved on the basis of five action plans (ALGEE);
  3. To learn about community resources and help the person involved to seek professional treatment and make use of suitable resources.

The course is designed by the Mental Health Association of Hong Kong (MHAHK). For course details, please visit the webpage of Mental Health First Aid.


Registration Form for 2023-24 (For PolyU Students)

Registration Form for 2023-24 (For non-PolyU Students)