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Year(s) offered:

2017 - 2018, 2018 - 2019 & 2019 - 2020

Subject Code:


Subject Title:

Quantitative Methods for Community Service


The subject equips PolyU students with mathematical and quantitative skills. Students then apply what they have learnt to assist the NGOs to quantify the needs and preferences of their service recipients through interviews and data analysis. The survey results enable the NGOs to provide efficient services, thereby helping more people in need. Students are required to discuss and understand the needs and problems encountered by the underprivileged families and the elderly. They also meet with NGO representatives to understand their daily operations and the requirements of the surveys. They design and conduct surveys to collect information and views from the service recipients and then report the findings to the NGOs for follow up actions.

Subject Offering Department:

Department of Applied Mathematics

Collaborating Organisations / Participating schools:

- St. James’ Settlement

- People Service Centre

- Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service

- Food Angel