Sports Courses
Course Detail
Date 7, 14, 21, 28 May ; 4, 11, 18, 25 Jun
Time 1815-1915
Name EX240517 Zumba Dance Class
Venue S121

Zumba Dance Class designed specifically for beginners. The course features modified Zumba dance routines that are suitable for those without prior dance experience. With passionate music, participants can engage in sustained aerobic exercise for an hour-long dance session, allowing them to sweat and reap the physical and mental benefits of dancing.

*If the attendance rate of the successful applicant falls below 60%, they will regrettably be ineligible to enroll in any regular exercise classes during the next round which requires a lottery.

Fee $480 (Member)   $640 (Non-member)
Application Deadline 2024-04-02
Instructor Ms Water Tsang