Sports Courses
Course Detail
Date 6, 13, 20, 27 May ; 3, 17, 24 Jun (Except 10 Jun)
Time 1415-1515
Name EX240502 Pure Yoga (Late Lunch)
Venue S508

“The remaining spots will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.”

An introduction to the fundamentals of yoga with explanation of the postures combined with correct breathing techniques. Class is conducted in a relaxed environment where students are encouraged to ask questions after class.

*If the attendance rate of the successful applicant falls below 60%, they will regrettably be ineligible to enroll in any regular exercise classes during the next round which requires a lottery.

Fee $350 (Member)   $455 (Non-member)
Application Deadline 2024-04-10
Instructor Ms Cammy Au Yeung