Sports Courses
Course Detail
Date 5, 12, 19, 26 Jan ; 2, 9, 16, 23 Feb
Time 17:45-18:45
Name EX230115 Pilates Plus
Venue S508

Pilates is an exercise program developed by Joseph H. Pilates in the early 1900s. It aims to wake up the silent component of our body including: balance, flexibility, awareness, coordination and control. With its focus on our core stability, Pilates is clinically used by physiotherapist as a training method for the prevention of low back pain, correcting postural problem and sports – specific training for athletes.

Everyone can enjoy the benefit of Pilates exercise by improving their awareness of their posture and core stability. Participants will also learn to appreciate how the body work and function with the motivation of some inspirational music specially selected by our Pilates instructors.

Fee $360 (Member)   $480 (Non-member)
Application Deadline 2022-12-13
Instructor Ms Keyne Lau