
Collaborative SL Subjects/Projects

Based on factors including course nature, service nature and location, teaching period, and community partnership, the core members of the Community of Practice for Service-Learning in Hong Kong Higher Education (CoP-SLHE) identified and approached teachers of courses with the potential to be developed into collaborative subjects and/or projects.

A total of 4 collaborative service-learning subjects/projects were developed as follows:

Details of collaborative subjects/projects
No. Collaborative subjects/projects Status
1 Health Care in Chinese Medicine and news writing (LU & HKBU) Offered in 2018/19 and re-run in 2019/20 and 2020/21
2 From working for others to working with others: An examination of the development of transformative partnerships in a cross-institutional service-learning project (HKBU and EdUHK) Offered in 2018/19 and re-run in 2020/21
3 Collaborative service learning in a STEM-focused project (PolyU and EdUHK) Offered in 2018/19, could not be re-run due to insufficient participants
4 Digital Divide and Global Leadership (PolyU and The University of Maryland (UMD)) Piloted in 2017/18, offered in 2018/19, re-run in 2019/20, 2020/21, 2021/22