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Design students collaborate to give second life to retired bottle crates honoured ESG award

21 Aug 2023

PolyU Design Collaborates School of Design

We are happy to know that our collaborator, Swire Coca-Cola HK has won a bronze award in the Best PR Campaign – ESG at the PR Awards 2023, presented by Marketing-Interactive. Congratulations!

The honour was contributed by “Second Life of Crates”, a design collaboration with our PolyU Design undergraduate students who turned retired glass bottle crates into sustainable products like clothing tags for the visually impaired. 

The project was part of the Sustainable Product Design subject taught by Mr Benny Ding Leong and Dr Brian Lee back in 2022. The creative products were exhibited a The Mills as a public education campaign.

Topics News | Collaboration | Scheme in Design BA | PolyU Design Collaborates | product design | sustainable design | sustainability
Research Units School of Design

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