Embracing smart ageing with gerontechnology
Population ageing is occurring at an unprecedented pace worldwide, posing significant challenges for Hong Kong, the Mainland, and the rest of the world, which makes the development of gerontechnology (gerontech) more pivotal than ever. Gerontech plays a crucial role in empowering older adults, improving their overall well-being, and enabling them to lead independent, connected, and fulfilling lives.
In an effort to empower seniors to maintain their overall well-being, PolyU has assembled leading multidisciplinary teams with strong expertise and track records in gerontech research, as well as collaborated with various stakeholders and supported startups. In the following pages, you will learn how PolyU is propelling the advancement of gerontech and engaging in other meaningful initiatives to help make smart ageing a reality for the elderlies in Hong Kong, the Greater Bay Area, and beyond.