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LSGI scholar interviewed by China Surveying and Mapping magazine for groundbreaking research on China’s space missions

21 Aug 2023


Prof. Bo WU, Associate Head (Research) & Professor of LSGI and Associate Director of the University Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations (RCDSE)

The China Surveying and Mapping Magazine

Prof. Bo WU, Associate Head (Research) & Professor of LSGI and Associate Director of the University Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations (RCDSE), has recently been interviewed by China Surveying and Mapping magazine. The interview highlighted Prof. Wu's remarkable contributions to national space missions through his research team's utilization of remote sensing data.

By analyzing the terrain of various planets involved in China's space missions, including the lunar surface for the "Chang'e-4" mission and the Mars surface for the "Tianwen-1" mission, Prof. Wu's team provided invaluable insights. Their innovative research aided the astronaut team in identifying safe and scientifically significant landing sites, ultimately contributing to the success of the Nation's interstellar exploration.

Read the full interview article here:


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