Teaching Development Grants
To enhance the quality teaching and learning, the University Grants Committee (UGC) has arranged the funding to local institutions for teaching development and language enhancement activities. The Learning and Teaching Committee has decided to set aside a substantial portion of the TDG to support learning and teaching projects initiated by frontline teachers.

Research Grants Council
The Research Grants Council supports funding research projects and research activities at the eight UGC-funded universities and the self-financing degree sector, invite and receive the applications for research grants from academic staff and for the award of studentships and post-doctoral fellowships through the institutions of higher education.

Policy Research Funding Schemes
The Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (PPRFS) and the Strategic Public Policy Research Funding Scheme (SPPRFS) are the government-financed funding schemes dedicated to supporting public policy research in Hong Kong and administered by the Chief Executive’s Policy Unit (CEPU).

Quality Education Fund
The Quality Education Fund (QEF) established by the Hong Kong Government to support projects that are innovative and capable of enriching students' learning experiences and encouraging school-based initiatives.

Gifted Education Fund
The Education Bureau set up the Gifted Education Fund to encourage different organisations providing off-school advanced learning programmes for gifted students at primary and secondary levels in Hong Kong. The programmes aim to expose students to high quality and challenging learning experiences in their areas of talent or, where suitable, in a wider range of disciplines or even across disciplines, so as to fully develop their potential.

Fund for Innovative Technology-in-Education (FITE)
IHERD Scheme for Thematic Projects
Impacts of T&L Enhancements on Students’ Learning Experiences & Outcomes – A Coordinated Study Using a Common Battery of Validated Assessments

Travel Funds
IHERD Fellows may apply for funds to support their keynote presentations in major higher education research and innovation conferences, other leadership roles in professional bodies related to higher education research and development, cum visits to discipline-specific centers of teaching excellence.

For IHERD Fellows
Matching Funds for External Grants
IHERD Fellows may apply for funds to support their applications for major external grants for higher education research and development.

For IHERD Fellows