The Hong Kong Polytechnic University's School of Hotel and Tourism Management was established in 1979 as an application oriented educational institution in hospitality. The mission of the School is to be recognized globally as Asia's leader in providing high quality education, research and scholarship in hospitality and tourism. Apart from excellence in teaching and research, the School is actively involved in Executive Development Programmes. The School was designated by the World Tourism Organisation as one of its 16 Education and Training Network Centres around the world, and the only such centre in Asia.

香港理工大學酒店及旅遊業管理學院 (School of Hotel and Tourism Management) 於 1979 年成立,所有課程均以應用為本,旨在為酒店、餐飲服務及旅遊行業培訓管理人才。學院的使命是成為全球公認、亞洲首屈一指的酒店及旅遊管理教育機構,為旅遊業提供優質教育和學術研究,並積極推展管理人員專業培訓課程 (Executive Development Programmes) 。再者,學院獲世界旅遊組織指定為全球 16 個教育及培訓網絡中心之一,是亞洲首間獲此榮譽的學院,印證其專業和領導地位。

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