PolyU Statistics

PolyU Statistics

Environmental Performance

Units 2018/19

Energy Consumption1 (GRI 302-1)

Electricity MWh
Town gas MJ 21,331
Diesel2 L

Water Resources Consumption (GRI 303-3)

Water consumption3 m3 606,482
Treated wastewater discharge4,5 m3 562

Emissions (GRI 305-1, 305-2, 305-4)

Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1)6 t CO2-e 3,364
Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2) t CO2-e 46,467
GHG emissions intensity7 t CO2-e
per capita

Material Consumption (GRI 301-2)

Total paper consumption8 Ream
(500 sheets)
A4 paper9 Ream
(500 sheets)
A4 paper with 100% recycled content Ream
(500 sheets)
A3 paper Ream
(500 sheets)
Percentage of A4 paper with recycled inputs % 4.3

Hazardous Waste (GRI 306-2)

To Treatment Facilities
Batteries kg 1,000
Chemical waste liter 28,240
Clinical waste kg 2,261
Collected for Recycling
Fluorescent tubes and lamps kg 10,000
Rechargeable batteries kg 0
Electrical and electronic equipment10 kg 10,053
Collected for Reuse
Electrical and electronic equipment10,11 kg 8,231
Sent to Landfill
Electrical and electronic equipment10 kg 1,550

Non-Hazardous Waste (GRI 306-2)

Collected for Recycling
Paper kg 12,760
Plastic kg 1,507
Metal kg 88
Glass bottles12 kg 855
Food waste kg 141,734
Collected for Reuse
Clothes and used items kg 467
Sent to Landfill
General waste 660L-bin loads
  1. These calculations involved conversion factors as provided in the GRI G3 Guidelines Indicator Protocols and on Towngas bills.
  2. Diesel used for the emergency generator was included, while diesel used for the vehicle fleet was excluded.
  3. Water consumption was calculated based on water bills issued by the Water Supplies Department. Except for three water accounts that have not received water bills since 29 April 2019, water consumption data covered the whole reporting year.
  4. Treated water was discharged from PolyU’s pre-treatment facilities.
  5. Increase in treated wastewater discharge was recorded in the reporting year as large-scale laboratories cleaning was carried out in August 2018.
  6. CO2, CH4, N2O and HFCs were included in these calculations.
  7. Figures of 27,621 students and staff members (22,281 FTE students and 5,340 full-time staff) were used to calculate the per capita intensity.
  8. Due to enhancement of data collection mechanism, 2018/19’s paper consumption only included those consumed by PolyU Main Campus, whereas 2014/15’s paper consumption included those consumed by all PolyU entities.
  9. A4 paper with recycled content was excluded.
  10. Electrical and electronic equipment covered monitors, notebook computers, desktop computers, tablets, printers, scanners and servers.
  11. Collection service for reuse of electrical and electronic equipment was suspended since March 2019.
  12. This estimate is based on a weight of 57 kg per 240 L collection bin.

Social Performance

As of 31 October 2018, the University had 25,827 students13 and 6,269 members of staff, of which 3,629 were permanent staff and 2,640 were temporary staff.

Number of Employees (GRI 102-8)

Male Female Total
Total Number of Staff by Employment Type
Full-time 2,725 2,615 5,340
Academic and Research staff 1,666 1,054 2,720
Administrative / Support staff 1,059 1,561 2,620
Part-time 529 400 929
Academic and Research staff 496 352 848
Administrative / Support staff 33 48 81
Total Number of Staff by Employment Contract
Permanent staff 1,740 1,8893,629
Academic and Research staff 7624441,206
Administrative / Support staff 9781,4452,423
Temporary staff 1,5141,1262,640
Academic and Research staff 1,4009622,362
Administrative / Support staff 114164278

Total Number of Training Courses and Training Person-hours

Training Courses Provided by Number of
Number of
Human Resources Office 24 4,916
Health, Safety and Environment Office 52 1,180
Information Technology Services Office 22 5,190
Campus Sustainability Office 4 165
Total 102 11,451

New Employee Hires (Full-time)

Age Male Female Subtotal
Under 30 588 522 1,110
30-50 474 285 759
Over 50 66 16 82
Total 1,128 823 1,951

Employee Turnover (Full-time)

Age Male Female Subtotal
Under 30 481 466 947
30-50 532 344 876
Over 50 142 55 197
Total 1,155 865 2,020
  1. The figures for research postgraduate students and students from self-financed programmes (including normal programmes, the Integrated Graduate Development Scheme and Outpost Programmes) were compiled as of 31 October 2018 and 31 December 2018 respectively.