Research @ Faculty of Science 2023

23 First research platform on urban agriculture- Suga Research Laboratory for Sustainable Urban Green Agriculture FSN research has always been in line with leading market trends. FSN and Suga International Holdings Limited (SUGA) share the common goal of advancing research and development for the betterment of mankind. With sustainable urban green agriculture and pet food safety becoming increasingly important issues in society, SUGA has donated HK$8M to establish a research laboratory at PolyU’s campus, with the objective of achieving breakthroughs in the research and development of these two areas. With the use of innovative technologies, we aim to develop the next generation of urban agriculture model for cultivating high-quality and safe fruits and vegetables in small indoor spaces. Our research will focus on exploring the optimal environmental conditions for crop growth, as well as systematic assessment and comparison of food safety risks of harmful chemicals and food-borne bacteria found in vegetables grown from hydroponics and traditional farming. Department of Food Science and Nutrition FSN actively pursues collaboration and strategic partnerships with universities, industry and the government. In terms of academic partnership, we have been collaborating extensively with local academic institutions, such as the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, and The Education University of Hong Kong; as well as international institutions, such as Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the University of Bologna, and Krida Wacana Christian University. Collaborative Research Study with Danone Nutricia FSN has set another landmark for industrial partnerships in 2021 with a collaborative research study on “Hong Kong Microbiome and Nutritional Pathway”, supported by Danone Nutricia Early Life Nutrition (Hong Kong) Ltd. The joint project looks at the associations between early-life nutrition and gut microbiome development among Caesarean-born Chinese babies. Promoting Modernised and Sustainable Mariculture With support from the Sustainable Fisheries Development Fund (SFDF), FSN is working with the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) on a project led by Dr Kevin KWOK that promotes modernised and sustainable mariculture at the demonstration farm. It provides hands-on training at the demonstration farm and lectures to conventional mariculturists and participants who intend to join the mariculture industry with a view to helping the local trade to develop modernised and sustainable mariculture practices. 63 participants joined the training in the first year of the programme. Our Research Collaborations with Industry