Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) Competition

Faculty of Humanities Three Minute Thesis
(3MT®) Competition 2024
The Three Minute Thesis (3MT®) competition celebrates the exciting research conducted by Doctor of Philosophy students. Developed by the University of Queensland, 3MT® cultivates students’ academic, presentation, and research communication skills.
The competition supports their capacity to effectively explain their research in three minutes, in a language appropriate to a non-specialist audience.
The Faculty of Humanities will hold its faculty-level 3MT® on 12 June 2024. Participants are required to present their research in English, regardless of language they use to write their thesis.
Active PhD students who have successfully passed their confirmation milestone (including candidates whose thesis is under submission) by the date of their first presentation are eligible to participate in the FH 3MT®.
Graduates are not eligible.
All participants must be nominated by their affiliated departments.
Please Note: Students enrolled in any of the following programmes are not eligible to enter the 3MT Competition:
- Masters (coursework)
- Professional Doctorate (less than 2/3 research)
Competition rule
Each participant will be invited to present a PhD study in 3 minutes and they can use one single static Powerpoint slide without slide transitions, animations or ‘movement’ of any description in their presentation. More details can be found at
Judging criteria
A panel will be formed by the Dean of FH to select the winners based on the following criteria:
Comprehension and content
- Presentation provided clear motivation, background and significance to the research question
- Presentation clearly described the research strategy/design and the results/findings of the research
- Presentation clearly described the conclusions, outcomes and impact of the research
Engagement and communication
- The oration was delivered clearly, and the language was appropriate for a non-specialist audience
- The PowerPoint slide was well-defined and enhanced the presentation
- The presenter conveyed enthusiasm for their research and captured and maintained the audience’s attention
Panel of Judges for the FH 3MT®
- Prof. HU Guangwei, Associate Dean of Faculty of Humanities
- Prof. Meng NI, Associate Dean of Faculty of Construction and Environment
- Dr LIU Kanglong, Assistant Professor of Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies
- Dr HANG Xing, Associate Professor of Department of Chinese History and Culture
- Dr Anne SCHLUTER, Associate Professor of Department of English and Communication
- Dr LAM Yan Yan, Lecturer of Chinese Language Centre
- Dr Linda LIN, Senior Lecturer of English Language Centre and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Department of English and Communication
- ONE Champion who will receive a cash prize of HKD3,000
- ONE 1st Runner-up who will receive a cash prize of HKD2,000
- ONE 2nd Runner-up who will receive a cash prize of HKD1,500
The Champion, the 1st and 2nd Runner up will be nominated to enter the PolyU 3MT®.
Timeline for 2024
No. | Activity |
Date |
1 | Announcement of the FH 3MT® | Second week of April 2024 |
2 | 3MT® workshops to be held by the Graduate School (GS) and English Language Centre (ELC) |
April to May 2024 |
3 | Nomination deadline for the FH 3MT® | 1 June 2024 |
4 |
Faculty of Humanities 3MT® Competition | 12 June 2024 |
5 | PolyU 3MT®: Semi-final | 24 June 2024 |
6 | PolyU 3MT® Competition | 3 July 2024 |
The Presentation Rules and the Judging Criteria are based on those developed by the University of Queensland, Australia.